Track 15: Gryphons?!

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Scott and Wallace trudged through the first fallen leaves of Autumn. Scott felt very excited, taking in all of the beautiful colours. Wallace had a false smile playing on his face, he wasn't really sure he actually wanted to go through with showing off his powers.

"Ahhh, Autumn, I'm looking forward to you" Scott cooed softly into the wind, Wallace flinched he loved it when Scott did that, his voice was so soft, quiet and smooth like butter on toast. Him talking is just enough to send even the meanest of men turn into wet mess. Wallace was exact proof of this.

"Yeah, go Autumn" Wallace shouted enthusiastically "best fucking season"

"Wait" Scott paused "is it really"

Wallace sighed "best season ever"

Scott chuckled "so you gonna show me your powers"

"Umm" Wallace ruffled his feathers "I'm not really sure if I really want to now"

"Why" Scott asked slightly curious

Wallace groaned "I'm not in the right frame of mind at the moment guy okay"

Scott sat down on the ground where there was a small pile of dead leaves, he patted the spot next to him, gesturing for Wallace to sit "maybe we could talk about it"

Wallace obliged, he perched himself in the spot Scott got him to sit. His wings giving a little flutter as he was trying to get comfortable.

"Sooooooo, what's up, little pup" Scott gave Wallace a little pet on the head "what's the nitch, little witch, I think that's better"

Wallace shuffled his feet on the ground, scuffing up the dirt with his trainers, they did look expensive, but Wallace didn't seem to care, like he does with most things in his life.

"Well, I'm feeling uneasy about the whole evil ex thing" Wallace fiddled with his claws

"I kinda knew that you felt nervous about it" Scott shook his head "I'm so sorry"

"I mean how badly Kim fucked me up" Wallace shivered "I can't imagine how bad everyone else is and... Oh you found me!" Wallace suddenly got distracted by something, he leaned upwards, giving a huge smile. Scott looked up to see what Wallace was talking about and he was amazed at what he saw.

There was a tiny gryphon sitting on top of a tree branch, it had an tawny owls head and wings and the body of a cat

"Wow, what is that" Scott gasped

Wallace clicked his tongue and the gryphon flew down from the branch and landed on Wallace's shoulder. "This is my familiar" Wallace gave the gryphon's feathers a fluff "a little gryphon, I had her when I was a littler"

"Aww cool, what's their name"

"Her name is Kinseus" he said "but I call her Kinsey"

"Wow she must be really tame" Scott smiled

"She is" Wallace leaned closer to Scott "wanna pet her, she loves it"

"Sure" Scott placed his hand into the soft fluff that was almost exactly the same as the feathers on Wallace, Kinsey was making little chirping noises in affection.

"Hmm, I wonder what Gideon would think of you" Wallace said looking on at Kinsey "I'm sure he would allow you"

"He would think its kinda weird though" Scott responded "anyway just out of curiosity, what does your little gryphon friend like eating"

"Anything I put in front of her" Wallace said with a chuckle "although I did train her to hunt for her own food before I lost her. She surprising really likes cat food"

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