Track 23: At Least I'm With You

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"How were your worms Scott" Wallace asked Scott as he just finished his lunch, Scott responded with a small nose rub against a the side of Wallace's face, letting his facial hair tickle it slightly.

"I'd take that nice little cute thing you just did as a yes" Wallace closed his eyes and allowed Scott to warmly nuzzle him, he didn't purr however, maybe his body wasn't satisfied enough.

"Wallace" Scott cooed "I'm sorry I said the thing I said earlier, my suspicions were tingling since you were just so nice all of a sudden"

"I'm actually really nice" Wallace said rubbing Scott's tummy feeling very tempted to move his hands over to his chest but he'd save that for later "when you first meet me you may think I'm actually a huge asshole but when you really get to know me more you'll see me as a great person who is trying his best"

"You are doing an incredible job at trying your best" Scott responded "best at what, well best at making me feel loved and happy. My voice may not show it but you can't tell by my words and my eyes that it's working"

"Are you feeling happy now?" Wallace asked kissing Scott on the abdomen

"Of course I am" Scott hummed "I'm really happy, you're with me in this safe comforting environment of this lovely bedroom"

"And your worms were good?" Wallace questioned "we're they just as delicious as they were the other times"

"They were just wonderful, Wallace" Scott wooed "they had a good amount of bite to them if you know what I mean"

"They didn't try to bite you did they" Wallace was a little concerned "they do realise that's my job right?"

"No I mean they were really chewy" Scott told him "might be because they are fatter than the last ones, they were so nice" Scott said with a slurp

"This really makes me want to give you another one" Wallace groaned "you look so cute and content"

"Okay, only one more" Scott told him "I want to save the others for tomorrow"

"But what about your late night worm, you still having that" Wallace asked

"Yes, for the dream experiment" Scott said kissing Wallace on the forehead "so I don't eat those poor little........butterflies"

"Oh, yeah I forgot about that" Wallace realised as he pulled out another worm "do you remember any of the other details in your dream or just that, you and me riding on a magical unicorn, you eating butterflies, were we jumping over fences or whatever"

"Possibly" Scott said trying to recall what happened "I think there were fences involved yes and trenches, but no lasers which was a fucking shame"

"That's disappointing" Wallace sighed "I really needed those cool rainbow unicorn lasers that you used to go on about in college, you wrote those fuckin' stories with you little statues about how they would fire magical lasers out there fucking mouths like they were vomiting that shit up. Manebow had the rainbow lasers that's why I said rainbow because he's my obvious favourite"

"I remember those stories" Scott recalled "I remember they used to go on adventures together and defeat the evil Midnight Abyss, I remember I never got to finish the series since I forgot about it years later, I don't even know how it ends or where it ended on"

"Maybe Midnight Abyss ends up turning the unicorns to the dark side" Wallace suggested "I remember you really loving Midnight Abyss so much in college, you would draw him constantly
non stop, I remember I placed all of the drawings of him all about the room. Him and Spurky were your faves and I remember in the story you made Spurky evil just so that he could be with Midnight, bringing violent tempests to the land"

✨Wallace Wells vs The Shattered Star✨ (Scott Pilgrim X Wallace Wells AU)Where stories live. Discover now