Track 46: Night Witch Snuggles

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Authors note: sorry if my chapter titles are getting cheesy, I'm just not good with them at the mo, also my art is back, and it's in my old art style. I'll post stuff with my newer one when I get round to it. Anyway enough me rambling, which I've realised I'm pretty good at, let's get right into da chapter or track


Wallace entered the room he shared with his beloved with a huge smile on his face, since it was getting late the lights in their room was beginning to get darker, making it harder to see. Although Wallace could see perfectly fine in the dark he flicked on the light switch, just because he knew that Scott probably didn't have umbra witch night vision.

Scott was still asleep, Wallace was surprised by that since he was being very loud earlier. Other than that, to Wallace's excitement, Scott's witch transformation was finally done. He could tell. Scott's animal like ears were poking out from underneath the blankets, he looked very comfortable all wrapped up in the warm snuggly fabric, almost like he was wrapped up with the gentle comfort of a lover.

Slowly, Wallace made his way over to the sleeping witch, gently moving the blankets away from his face so he could see more of his endearing features. Scott let out a yawn and stretched out a clawed hand, brushing it underneath his nose as he was beginning to wake up. Scott's tired wide eyes flickered open, the first thing he sees is his sweet partner looking down upon him with a tiny smile. Wallace ran a hand through Scott's hair, it somehow felt much softer than it did when he was human, it didn't take long for Wallace to notice that Scott's hair ends were discreetly turning a bright shade of magenta.

"Hey, Scott" Wallace cooed lovingly, kissing him on the forehead "did you have a nice nap"

Scott gave Wallace a weak little smirk as he was still a little sleepy and sat up from the bed "I feel a little funny" Scott droned as he glanced down at his body "Woah, dude. This is new!" He gasped, Scott ran his clawed hands through the white fur which had spouted up from his collar bone "these are just so cool, does this mean I'm now a true witch?"

"Umm, yeah I guess so" Wallace said shrugging continuing to glide his fingers through Scott's hair, slowly trailing his hands down his neck. Getting pretty intrigued over the hair becoming feathers as he went down. "Scott you're so soft" Wallace uttered stroking his newly developed feathers "much softer than you were as a human"

"Mmmmhum" Scott nodded "I was not expecting the feathers to be this soft, it might be because I've never actually felt witch feathers before, other than the ones on your wings if you could even call em that heh heh"

"Please expect a ton of hugs from me this evening" Wallace said with a wink "and anyway on the topic of wings, can I see what yours looks like, if you're comfortable with showing me that is"

"Sure" Scott chuckled "lemme just get outta bed first, which might mean you, getting off from me"

"Oh." Wallace paused as he lifted his hands away from Scott. stepping back a little so Scott could get up. Scott wobbled a little as he stood up, his body feeling a little numb due to the transformation.

"Why the fuck does this always happen after I sleep" Scott grunted, dragging his feet along the zebra carpet "anyway enough complaining about my legs, let's see what my wings look like" then Scott paused for a second realising something "errm Wallace, how do I create wings? you never taught me"

Wallace gently placed a hand on Scott's shoulder and gave him one of his usual smirks "listen Westy, it isn't as hard as you think it is, look all you gotta do is close your eyes and imagine big vines constricting over you" Wallace then closed his own eyes, feeling the magic flow through every atom in his being, the vines he'd just mentioned started to grow and wrap around his body, eventually creating his beautiful huge wings stretching out from his back. Wallace opened his eyes and gave his wings a few flaps "See!" Wallace cooed "it's not that hard"

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