Track 43: Blurred Photos

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After Scott had departed from their room, the atmosphere became a little bit dreary. Wallace didn't really see a problem with that, besides it'll only be a few hours, right? Only a few hours and his sweet beloved will be all his again. Wallace's wings fluttered as he gave them a huge stretch which happened to catch the attention of little Kinsey who had just joined him on the bed. She was pressing her tiny beak onto one of the blankets, the blankets possibly being covered with Scott's comforting scent since he was just sleeping under it hours earlier.

"Good morning, Kins" Wallace said his tone feeling a little mallow, he reached his hand over to pet the gryphon who had came to see him. "My beloved is gonna be very busy today so it's just gonna be you and me"

Kinsey let out a little chirp as she lay down on the bed, her owl eyes gleamed up at Wallace showing pure happiness that he was there with her. Wallace gave out a sharp inhale as he pulled the blanket that Scott was sleeping under close to him, the blanket was a light grey with a comforting texture. Wallace notice it as he began to paw at the blanket with his hands, his claws intertwining with the soft fabric. Wallace lifted the blanket up to his face and slowly rubbed it against his cheek, sniffing the lavender scent that Scott had left behind.

"I'm trying not to make this a big deal" Wallace murmured, pressing his nose up against the blanket, his eyes slamming shut as he tried to take his mind of of Scott's absence "he's gonna be fine, he'll be messaging me if somethings up"

Wallace was brought back as a there was a knocking at the door, Kinsey got scared of the sudden noise and jumped of from the bed, scuttled across the carpet and hid underneath the desk. With a disgruntled sigh, Wallace got up from the bed and walked over towards the door to see who was there.

Wallace opened the door to see a very worried looking Neil who was abysmally messing with his jacket cuff.

"Dude are you alright?" Wallace asked "what's with that demented look on your face"

"Everything's okay between you and Scott right?" He asked nervously

Wallace rolled his eyes "yeah everything's fine, he's just going to work, we haven't broken up or anything, I'm just trying to get used to him not being there"

"Oh that good" Neil said with relief "Scott just wasn't really happy when he came downstairs for breakfast and I thought something happened between the two of you to cause that behaviour"

"Nope we're both good, I'm just feeling a little bit, you know, empty and I'm trying to convince myself that Scott will be okay out there" Wallace tried his hardest to crack a smile "but now you here I'm not feeling people lonely anymore"

"Wait...." Neil was confused "people lonely? What do you mean by that"

"Well I have Kinsey with me but she's not really helping matters, despite her trying her best of course, since she's you know a gryphon" Wallace explained as he lead Neil into his room "but since your a human I'm not lonely so it's nice to see you"

"Oh, I forgot about Kinsey" Neil said and as if on queue the little gryphon came out from hiding under the desk since there was no apparent danger.

"There she is if you wanna give her fuss" Wallace said with a smile as he sat down at the desk. Kinsey looked up at Neil and automatically ran over in his direction, Neil smiled and picked up the gryphon, holding her with one hand under her chest and another just above her tail.

"Woah, she's gotten a lot bigger than the last time I saw her" Neil gushed as he carried the gryphon over to the bed, just so he could sit down, not really bothered about his body buckling underneath the weight of the cat bird.

✨Wallace Wells vs The Shattered Star✨ (Scott Pilgrim X Wallace Wells AU)Where stories live. Discover now