Track 31: Rain Fills the Dry Wells

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After the small pair of lovers had finished their pleasant coffee date, they both decided to go on a relaxing walk back home to Gideon's. Wallace was feeling a down about returning back to the death pit he called his apparent home but he tried to keep a smile on his face, I mean their date wasn't truly over right, they still had their walk.

"I was thinking we should take the scenic route back, you know, through the woods, I'll be calming" Scott suggested as he held his hand tightly "I see your beginning to feel anxious again, you're not expressing your umm pride with your head up high and you sly strut"

Wallace had his head on the ground, his honey pools staring down at the dirt path, his hand was squeezing tightly around Scott's with a small tremble in his feet.

Wallace bit his lip as he looked up at Scott, he'd cleaned up all of the shit which was stuck to his face because Wallace wouldn't let him leave until he was cleaned up, Wallace knew he was being a little bit strict but he just didn't want to embarrass himself further, he knew that the town had a bad image of him being a possible arsonist.

Despite him not caring about how people think of him, Wallace was fully aware on what people thought of Scott and Scott, rightfully so, did not feel comfortable with people having those assumptions about him. He always had that idea in his head that Scott needed to be protected, it makes him feel a little unwell that people are constantly treating his beloved awfully, Scott didn't need to deserve this.

"Scott?" Wallace spoke his voice sounding almost as dry as Scott's own "was the fire actually caused by you or are the people just making sick conclusions"

Scott breathed for a few moments as he gently kicked up a few of the fallen leaves which were slowly beginning to darken "it's true okay" he spat "the major fire, the one at the Happy Avocado, happened almost a year ago"

"I hope you don't mind me asking but why did it happen" Wallace asked as he clung onto Scott's arm "I know this might be a rocky subject for you so it's fine if you don't want to talk about it, I'm not gonna force it out ya"

Scott hesitated for a few moments, he ran a hand through his messy hair before softly uttering "Okay since you really wanna know how it started then I'll tell you" Scott took in another cracked breath before he told his story "I'm gonna first set the scene for you here, I've been in a relationship with Ramona for almost three fucking years right, three fucking years and basically you try to show her the most devotion that you have. To me and Ramona it was like a love contest, who can love the other one the most, you get the idea"

"I don't know what this bullshit has got to do with burning buildings but yee haw" Wallace said a little confused

"Hold on buddy okay.... I'll get to that. So anyway since the whole loving thing took a strong toll on my emotions. I was beginning to feel bitter over the stress I let it take over my body until one day I just couldn't take it anymore and I.......... I just.......S-snapped" Scott suddenly felt a chill run down his back "I became this horrible.... Destructive Monster, I couldn't control my impulses. Ramona told me I if I really loved her I should prove it by doing an unspeakable act, so I snuck into her garage stole some gas and matches, drove to the Happy Avocado, which was where I worked at the time and........" Scott then slammed his eyes closed, he wrapped his arms around his body as he tried to hide himself away "it just, went up in flames, I tried to fight off the Nega-Scott's evil but I couldn't control him. People were in there Wallace, people were literally being burned alive in there, I feel so disgusting just mentioning what happened."

"I knew it must of had something to do with her!" Wallace snarled "why do you love her so much anyway Scott, she literally fucking said. "Oh, go commit a crime to show your fucking commitment to me before I fuckin' fuck-" then Wallace stopped himself "look I'm definitely the better person in this whole situation here right I mean, seriously, would I ever force you to do something you don't wanna do and threatened our fucking relationship. Come on I would never stoop that low as that bitch"

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