Track 21: This Might Bring Us Closer

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After Scott had finished his breakfast and his toast he finally got out of bed. His long legs did feel a little strange as he stood up, a little stiff and numb. He awkwardly walked towards the dresser to find the outfit he was going to wear.

He settled on a black shirt with dolphins on it with the words "key west" written underneath, and ripped jeans which were similar to the ones Wallace had but black aswell.

"Did you get that shirt because your name is Scott West" Wallace joked

"How did you know" Scott gasped in mock surprise "I thought it would be obvious"

"That's cute" Wallace chuckled as he got out of his seat "I think you need another chair"

"You think?" Scott questioned "there's another chair in the corner I could use that" Scott walked over to where the chair was and carefully moved it closer to where Wallace was "now we can work together and talk at the same time"

"That's great" Wallace said "I could definitely use your help on this since you've designed the damn thing"

"I'm not really good with sewing though Wallace" Scott protested "you said that you were the crafty one"

"I know, I know, it just been a while since I've actually sewn" Wallace reassured "I promise you I'm really good at this I just need time"

"Okay" Scott looked over at the drawing that he made of the supposed end result, he really liked the simplicity of the design and thought that this would definitely be a good starting point for Wallace so he could get back into the sewing swing.

"So anyway about that weird dream" Wallace asked Scott starting a conversation "why were you eating butterflies, that sounds very strange, I thought worms were your choice in invertebrate to snack on"

"I frankly have no clue" Scott said puzzled "like I said I've never eaten a butterfly in my life, I personally think they are very pretty and I would never harm them, I don't know what the fuck I was doing"

"Maybe it was because you didn't have your so called late night worm?" Wallace suggested not taking his eyes of the needle "maybe you should have one tonight and try not to eat too much of dinner okay sweetie"

"Umm yeah, I'll do that" Scott said with a settled nod "let's see if there's any changes and if I'm still eating butterflies then my mind is fucked"

Scott rested his head on the desk, his eyes glued onto Wallace, he was concentrating hard making sure that the features that he were sewing on were exact to the drawing. He kept on looking back to the concept sketch just to make sure he was doing it right.

"Wallace?" Scott asked lowly as he lifted his head up from the desk.


"How to your wings work?" Scott glanced over at Wallace back "are they concealed under your skin or something"

"Maybe" Wallace shrugged "to be honest Scott I have absolutely no clue, yes they might be concealed under my flesh but why does it not hurt when I summon them, why does it not rip through clothes or my skin, why does it not bleed, why do magical vines wrap around my body when I make them appear. I know little to nothing about my powers Scott"

"Really why is that" Scott was beginning to get curious, Wallace was a witch, he was born witch, most witches must know about about their powers right, then why doesn't Wallace know about his.

✨Wallace Wells vs The Shattered Star✨ (Scott Pilgrim X Wallace Wells AU)Where stories live. Discover now