Track 28: Who The Fuck Are You

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Author note: unimportant but I literally just realised that the pic I chose for this chapter fits the title perfectly


The two lovers made their merry way downstairs, Wallace having his head resting on Scott's slim shoulders, an endearing smile was worn on Scott's pale face as he perceived what his beloved was doing. Wallace inky hair was brushing up against the fabric of Scott's gin shirt causing him to feel happy.

As they reached the bottom of the stairs, Wallace lifted his head up from Scott, his dark eyes glinting onward at the entrance to the living room. He felt a little nervous, worried that Maxwell would cause a scene again like the last couple of times, he didn't want Scott to be uncomfortable especially over the whole Nega Scott ordeal.

"Wallace" Scott cooed as he saw his blank gaze into the doorway "is there something up"

Wallace blinked and glanced over at Scott, he began to fidget with his stylish bracelets as his fangs touched the bottom of his little pink lips.

"I'm a little anxious about Maxwell" Wallace said trying to hide the wobble in his voice "I'm worried that he'll end up being problematic, I don't want to start another fight which leads you to run off upstairs to cry. That moment that happened last night was not just upsetting to you it was upsetting to me, you were trapped inside the Nega-Scott and I was desperately trying to set you free"

Scott tilted his head and gave Wallace a loving rub on the back, a soft purr escaped from within him as his heavy slowly eyes closed. "Wallace just try not to start anything okay" Scott cooed as he nuzzled his cheek "if Maxwell make any cruel comments just insult him, don't stir it up yourself"

"I'll try not to Scott" Wallace said softly as he wrapped his arms around Scott's waist, hugging him tightly, hiding his face away inside his chest "but it's so tempting to fight back against Maxwell's cruelty, he's like a ravenous leech but instead of blood, he's after your safety and comfort, I'm trying to let him know that you don't like it when people get too excited, I feel like I'm the only one who truly understands you in this fucking household"

"I just wish I didn't have someone fighting my battles" Scott said with a sigh "I want to be capable of standing up for myself and not having my partner to be the one who does it for me" Scott gave Wallace a kiss on his forehead "I obviously appreciate what you're doing Wallace but I don't think it's right, I need to stop acting like a coward and actually fight back"

"Do you want breakfast or not" Wallace groaned as he removed his head from Scott's chest "can we please not have a moment where we are drowning in our woes, plus I thought you were starving"

Scott grinned as he looked down at Wallace, he seemingly didn't feel anxious about Maxwell's selfishness and just desperately wanted to get breakfast over with so they could look forward to their afternoon date. Maybe that is what Wallace is using to take his mind off Max but not just Max, the upcoming event that is occurring this evening. Scott hoped that was the case.

"Of course I do" Scott cooed "my stomach is definitely telling me that it's time, it's been doing that all morning, half the reason I get up its because of my hunger, it's like an alarm clock"

"Shut the fuck up and get your breakfast then" Wallace teased as he lead Scott into the living room. Everything looked normal, Gideon was handing out plates of egg and toast, Neil and Maxwell were nicely seated waiting eagerly for the partners to arrive but Scott noticed something different. There was a forth person sitting there just in between the aforementioned men, he had short brown hair, freckles on the back of his neck and glass green eyes. He wore a deep grey jacket with a blue shirt. Although Scott didn't seem to recognise this person he felt a little bit unsettled by him, Trouble was what was playing in his mind as he gazed upon the newcomer.

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