Track 55: Oh Wow, Okay

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The dynamic trio spent almost an entire hour playing video games, the game in question being Unicorn Zombie Piñata Island, of course Scott was the one who chose it since he was obsessed with that game franchise in particular. Unfortunately, Neil had never played that particular game before but Scott didn't mind, he really didn't mind showing Neil how to play his most favourite game of all time. Scott was a good teacher anyway, since Neil became super good at it and he eventually became hooked onto the games interesting lore and unique battle style.

After they'd finished playing, Neil was almost exhausted, probably because they've been playing for so long and he was tired out because of that fact. Noticing this, Wallace placed his gaming controller on the floor, and turned off the system.

"Woah time really does fly when you're playing an intense video game like that, holy shit" Wallace stated half amazed "I think it's about time we stop now since Neil is clearly bummed out right at this moment in time"

Scott nodded as he got up from the bed, to help Wallace put away the console. "Yeah" he added "I don't know about you but my fingers are aching really badly from pressing those buttons"

"Scott, I think that's because you've got fucked up hands" Wallace chided, gently grabbing hold of Scott's wrist as he examined his hand "that might be the reason behind your fingers are hurting" Scott cracked a small smile, disputed Wallace's bitter tasting words, just the nice feeling of Wallace's hands grasping over his made him comfortable. "Hey, Dickhead!" Wallace hissed suddenly, letting go of Scott's wrists, snapping him back. "Are you gonna put away this system or are you gonna just stare all adorable like you're doing"

Scott ran a hand through his fluffy hair, his smirk growing widely "oh, I-I'm s-sorry" he stammered "oh I just love it when you hold my hands like that, so soft so gentle"

"Fucking stop!" Wallace shouted covering his face, which was bright red from embarrassment and fluster "stop calling me soft and gentle, please! I am none of those things and I do not wish to be those things. Okay, just stop!"

"But I can't" Scott sputtered "I can't stop complementing you like this because I love you and that's honestly how I feel when you hold my hands."

"Pffft, a true evil witch would of just broken them to be honest" Wallace groaned "but I would never do that, I wouldn't even dream of doing that to you. But I still want people to believe that I am just the evil neighbourhood bastard that everyone loves, without causing physical harm to the one I love. There are a lot of ways and I do know 'em but I can't execute them all"

Scott fell silent for a moment, gazing down at his hands a couple of scars were beginning to form due to sensitivity, causing Scott to tear up suddenly. Scott quickly dashed his hands behind his back so he would not see the wounds. They didn't hurt too bad per say, it was just an ill reminder of his father. "Wallace, I'm sorry you feel this way" Scott said calmly "but you can still be soft and comforting but you can also be kind of a dick, that doesn't have to be your entire personality right"

Wallace sharply sighed and nodded his head "well I guess you're right" he murmured as he put away the games console "I guess I can be a good person but I have bad intentions I think that's how you'll put it. I can be very good to the ones I love but I can also be their worst nightmare, listen here fuckface " Wallace addressed Neil "I can be your nightmare, motherfucker! Do you fucking hear me!"

Neil nodded his head "you didn't have to tell me that Wallace" he said with a forced laugh "you are already in my nightmares after the vile things you've said. Like wanting to eat me up, that's not nightmare material right?"

"Yeah well I-" Wallace began before he suddenly felt a small vibration in his pocket. "Hold on a second, I think I've gotten a message or something"

✨Wallace Wells vs The Shattered Star✨ (Scott Pilgrim X Wallace Wells AU)Where stories live. Discover now