Chapter Three [Rewritten]

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-Chapter Three-

"Are you really sure you want me to go? You know you can't take it back once I leave, this isn't a decision to take lightly."

"No, not really—I mean you're my twin and this will be the first time that we'll ever be this far apart from one another."

"Then why did you say this was a great idea?"

"Because it is—Skylar, you can't always expect me and Cloud to tell you how to live your life! If you want to leave and go have an adventure then leave! I mean, we're not children're almost a fully-grown woman, you can't let me be the one to dictate what you do with your life."

"But what about—"

"Look, you know that I have Riku and Cloud has Leon, we're not going to be alone. Sure, we'll miss you, but like I said, this is your life—not mine or Cloud's. We can't tell you what you can and can't do."

"I know, but...I'm really going to miss you guys, this will be the first time we'll be so far apart from one another. I mean, look at me! I'm already starting to feel regret for my choices and I haven't even left yet!"

"You don't regret it, silly, you're just scared that you'll regret it later—which you won't. Now, before you go, be sure to remember to at least write us when you have the chance and be sure to cause up such a fuss that he sees it."

"Yeah, I guess I can do that—he'll surely blow a fuse with such a discovery..."

"That's the spirit! Oh, and Skylar."

"Yeah, what is it?"

"Be sure to give Zoro one big smooch for me when he finally remembers you."

"S-shut up! We're just friends!"

"You seem distracted, is something a matter?" I jumped the moment I was startled out of my thoughts by Nami's voice.

"No, just...thinking it all" I answered her, just barely even bothering to look her way as she leaned up against the railing beside me before peering back out towards the island that we were now getting further and further away from. I wasn't really sad to see the island go, never cared much for the place to begin with.

"You know, I can't help but think," Nami suddenly hummed as she seemed to peer back at the island as well, "but won't the islanders be upset that we just took their best fighter away?" she questioned, tilting her head back just a little to now peer up at the cloudless sky.

"Not really, but Aaron will..." I grumbled with the roll of my eyes. "Let him throw his fit, there are other fighters on that island, so they'll find someone new in no time" I muttered as I rested my chin on the palm of my hand.

"Oh? Why were you chosen?" she curiously asked.

"Let's just say I was chosen for personal reasons and leave it at that" I said, ignoring the way she raised an eyebrow. "While you're here, I've got a question for you" I said, quick to change the subject before she could ask any more questions.


"Tell me, do you know the full reason or—better yet—the real reason why your captain had decided out of the blue that he wanted me to join you all?" I asked, still hung up on the answer Luffy had given me. Surely my eyes really weren't the real reason he wanted me to join—surely there had to be more to this then what he was letting on.

"Luffy can sometimes be confusing with his decisions and doesn't always really explain why he makes them, but...I think what he told you back at the restaurant was his honest reasoning" she answered. "I'll admit, it was a little weak and confusing, but I think he really might have seen something in you" she smiled as I slowly nodded.

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