-Chapter One Hundred and Five-
"What's that?" Luffy asked, curiously tilting his head.
"Not one person in history has ever disproved the existence of Sky Island" Cricket revealed, admitting that just as there was no proof of the island's existence, there was also no proof that it didn't exist. "People may say I'm crazy and even laugh at me, but I don't care, I'm a romantic—like you" he grinned.
"Romantic" Luffy firmly nodded with a grin of his own.
"So long" the old man waved as the ships finally started to sail further away from the island. "Oh yeah! Thanks for the gold—and hey, don't be falling from the sky, you hear?" he shouted.
"See you around, Pop's!" Luffy waved right back.
"Thanks for everything, Cricket!" Nami called back.
"It was nice meeting you!" I smiled, arm held up high as I waved bye to the man.
"Think of us when you find the City of Gold, old-timer!" Usopp grinned.
"Try and take it easy, okay!" Luffy shouted.
"Mind your own business" was Cricket's only response, causing the captain to happy laugh.
"Okay, listen up! It's currently seven, we need to arrive at our destination no later than eleven" Masira explained. "It's like Cricket already told us, the spot where the Knock Up Stream erupts is different every single time—we need to get there as early as possible to pinpoint its exact location" he stressed.
"Check it out!" Luffy giggled as he turned the South Bird's head in the opposite direction it had been facing.
"It looks like we're already running a little behind schedule—hey! Are you knuckleheads even paying attention?!" Masira snapped when he saw that Luffy and a few of the others weren't paying attention to him at all.
"Did you see that?" Luffy laughed after letting the bird's head go and watching how it sprung back into the original direction it had been facing. "It has to face forward!" he madly giggled.
"Strange, I've never seen a bird quite like it..." Usopp muttered.
"He only faces south, isn't that funny? This goofy bird acts just like a compass!" the captain gasped through his laughter as he clutched his stomach and started to roll around.
"Luffy, stop tormenting the bird" I lightly scolded.
"Aw! Come on, Skylar, you know it's funny" he grinned, causing me to roll my eyes. "Come on, admit it—you think it's funny as well" he teased, already standing and poking my cheek as I huffed a smile and lightly swatted away his hand.
"Did you hear what it said?" Usopp asked, looking to Chopper the second the bird started to caw.
"Probably insulting Luffy" I suggested.
"No, he said he's going to face a different direction on purpose and laugh at us once we're lost" Chopper translated.
"Can he really do that?" I asked, watching as the reindeer only shrugged in response.
"Go ahead and tried" Luffy teased before a look of surprise crossed his features when the bird suddenly turned his head in the opposite direction all on his own. "Whoa, he's really facing north!" he gaped.
"Yeah, but not for long" I said, watching as the bird's feathers became ruffled while his body slowly started to tremble as if he was straining himself to keep the current position he was in. It wasn't long before he finally gave in and faced south once more.

One Piece (Love Story) [Part One]
FanfictionContains Chapters: 1 - 200 Summary: For years Skylar's been haunted with the memories of her past, unable to let it all go and move on. All hope seems to be lost for her until the day she meets the Straw Hats, can they help her pick up the pieces an...