Chapter Fifty Seven [Rewritten]

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-Chapter Fifty-Seven-

"What do you think you bastards are doing pointing your guns at Vivi?!" Sanji angrily snapped, still in the middle of following.

"This isn't good—the two of them are sniper team!" Vivi cried out in distress.

"Chopper, I'll throw you guys up anyways" Zoro suddenly said. "It will change the direction, but you need to figure something out" he told them.

"Huh? What do I do?" Chopper worriedly asked.

"We have seven seconds!" Nami shouted up to them.

"Just figure something out!" Usopp cried out.

"There's not much time left to waste—you need to be quick!" I called up to them.

"Chopper, Vivi, are you ready?" Zoro asked as they nodded. "I'm sending you up."

"Ready?" Miss Father's Day asked.

"Aim and fire!" Mr. Seven exclaimed—the two firing their guns just as Zoro threw Chopper and Vivi further up, making sure that they were out of harm's way.

"Our bullets are sure to crash into each other!" Miss Father's Day grinned.

"And they're going to explode!" Mr. Seven laughed.

"What?!" I shouted, eyes widening.

"No!" Nami gasped as the two bullets connected, exploding right as they hit the swordsman.

"What an idiot—he's hit!" Sanji grounded out.

"He's going to be alright? Right?" I worriedly asked, not wanting to think of the worst-case scenario at all.

"Are you ready, Vivi?" Chopper asked, changing into his human form.

"Just throw me with all your strength, Tony!" Vivi ordered as the reindeer threw her further up and toward the two cannoneers.

"It's no use!" Miss Father's Day laughed.

"Adjusting!" Mr. Seven chirped as the two prepared to fire off their guns once again, determined not to miss this time.

"Aim and fire!" they shouted, shooting off their guns just as Chopper finally came into view. "Who's that?" they curiously asked, startled by the reindeer's sudden appearance. Turning small, Chopper dodged their bullets before he finally started to fall back down to the ground.

"Where did Miss Wednesday go?" Miss Father's Day curiously asked.

"Oh, what now?" Mr. Seven frowned.

"Peacock Strings!" Vivi shouted, swinging her weapons around in circles as she fell towards the two.

"Up there!" Mr. Seven gasped.

"Go!" Nami and Usopp cheered as the two cannoneers screamed, quickly backing away in an attempt to dodge the princess' attack. It was at this moment that my ears suddenly perked up to the sound of Sanji roughly hitting the ground.

"Well, princess" Miss Father's Day snickered as she pointed her gun once Vivi landed on the sill of the open clock.

"Looks like you missed us!" Mr. Seven laughed, pointing his gun as well...though their laughter was cut short when the princess lunged forward and harshly pushed the both of them out the clock tower before moving further in and out of our sights.

"Alright!" Usopp cheered. "It stopped...right...?" he hesitantly asked after a bout of tense silence between us as we quietly waited with bated breath.

"Thank goodness..." I couldn't help but sigh in relief the second Zoro hit the ground and loudly began to cough, indicating that he was still alive and breathing. Standing, I moved closer toward him. "You alive?" I smiled once I had reached him, squatting down and leaning right over him as he gave a pained groan.

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