Chapter Eighty Two [Rewritten]

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-Chapter Eighty-Two-

"Woo-hoo! Alright, Rainbow Mist, here we come!" Luffy cheered the minute we entered the mist.

"Wow, Zoro's still asleep" I whistled, looking back at the swordsman who continued to snooze away. Completely unaware and missing out on the array of colors that now surrounded us before eventually dying away to reveal murky water and countless broken-down ships.

"What is this place?" Robin asked.

"You ever heard of Ape's Concert?" Henzo questioned.

"Ape's Concert? That's impossible!" the raven-haired woman gasped.

"What is that?" Usopp nervously asked.

"Well, Robin, want to tell us?" I asked as we directed our attention toward the older woman.

"It's a legendary graveyard of ships that once you enter, you can never get out of it" she explained.

"It's what?" Luffy, Usopp, and I questioned, owlishly blinking before the captain burst out into a suddenly fit of laughter.

"Awesome!" Luffy grinned, causing me to.

"Well at least someone's optimistic about this, isn't that right, Sora?" I laughed before blushing as I quickly covered my face with my hands out of embarrassment.

"Again?" Usopp softly chuckled, smiling as Luffy laughed with a wide grin now plastered on his face as he happily beamed back at me the minute I peeked through my fingers.


"No need to apologize, I don't mind" the captain cut me off.

"You sure?" I frowned, softly huffing a smile when I saw the bright and reassuring smile he gave me. 


I boredly watched as Luffy climbed aboard one of the broken-down and abandoned ships, almost losing his balance in the process as the railing he used broke and he face-planted onto the deck.

"Wha—! Hey, look!" he shouted the second he lifted his head. "There are sunken ships everywhere! As far as you can see!" he gaped.

"You still scared?" I teasingly asked, looking toward Usopp the minute I heard him lowly whimper.

"Why don't we just stop? A ghost captain could appear around here any minute now!" he whined.

"Really?" Luffy perked up. "Hey, ghost captain!" he excitedly shouted.

"Stop that!" Usopp cried.

"What did you expect him to do? Back down from the chance to meet a ghost captain?" I giggled, the sharpshooter's head now drooping as he lowly grumbled to himself. Curiously turning my attention toward Robin, I brightly smiled when she looked up from the book she was reading "Hey, I wanted to thank you again for getting me free" I beamed.

"It was no problem" she responded, quick to brush off my thanks with a small smile of her own as she returned to her reading.

"Still, I probably would have never gotten free if it wasn't for you" I sighed, looking back out toward Luffy who was still exploring the wrecked ships that surrounded us. Indeed, she had been the one to help free me from Zoro's grip with a little bit of help from Luffy and Usopp who held my arms while she used her Devil Fruit abilities to pry the swordsman's arms from around my waist. In a matter of seconds, I was free, and never once during that whole process did Zoro wake up.

"Beyond the Rainbow Mist lies the Land of Eternity, the final paradise remaining in the world" Robin read aloud. "The area is filled with treasures of gold and silver and its inhabitants live forever without aging or going hungry—that's what's written in this book" she continued, looking towards Henzo as if to confirm her findings.

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