Chapter Seventy Nine [Rewritten]

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-Chapter Seventy-Nine-

"Hurry! Hurry! Hurry!" Chopper chanted, standing atop the ship's railing and impatiently bouncing on his legs as I climbed aboard the ship.

"We know, now take it easy" Sanji said, picking the reindeer up and setting him back down on the deck so that he wouldn't accidentally fall overboard.

"Yeah, relax, Chopper" Usopp agreed.

"There's no need to get worked up, everything will be just fine" I assured him, gently patting the top of his head with a sweet smile.

"I can't help it, the old-timer is in no condition to be doing anything so crazy" Chopper worriedly said.

"I know, but we have to trust him" I said, looking out towards the sea before sweat dropping when I noticed that Zoro had moved in the wrong direction and was farther away from where our captain was.

"Hey, dummy! You're going the wrong way—didn't I tell you not to get lost?" I called out to him, watching as he finally stopped and looked around.

"Dammit!" he cursed, splashing some of the water around him in frustration.

"Shoot them!" Minchey ordered.

"Don't shoot!" Zenny snapped, throwing his abacus right at the Marine soldier that was getting ready to shoot which in return knocked the man's gun right out of his hand. Leaning against the ship's railing, I watched in amusement as the goats continued to attack the men. "You've done it now, my boys are out of control—go get them men!" the old man laughed as his goats ran rampant, bringing a smile to my face.

"Hm?" I perked up when a felt the ship suddenly jostle a little as if we had just struck something. "What was that?" I asked.

"What was what?" Nami questioned with a raised brow.

"I thought I felt something" I said, peering over the railing only to find nothing there but the calming waves.

"You did? Must have been your imagination" Nami shrugged, already waving me off as she went back to doing whatever it was she was doing before.

"Maybe..." I mumbled.

"Look, they're just waiting for us in formation!" Usopp suddenly cried out, pointing toward the lined-up Marine ships that had been hidden by the fog earlier.

"It's weird how they show no signs of advancing—we got to come up with a battle plan while we still can" Nami said, already wanting to take advantage of the Marines' lack of action.

"Okay, so what should we do?" Sanji asked. "Be the ones to attack them first?"

"Are you out of your mind?!" Nami snapped.

"That's suicide, this small ship couldn't go head-on with that many Marine ships" I said.

"It doesn't matter, the first thing we got to do is help the old man!" Chopper frantically cried out as the ship now sailed closer toward Zenny's and the Marines' ships that were still locked in battle with one another.

"By the way, did we hit something a minute ago?" Usopp suddenly asked.

"You felt that too?" I questioned.

"You too, Usopp? Are you and Skylar sure you didn't just imagine it? I didn't feel anything" Nami said.

"Never mind that, hurry!" Chopper exclaimed, frantically pointing towards the two ships as if that would make us move faster.

"Well, where's all that energy you had a minute ago?" Minchey mocked, kicking Zenny off his ship and back onto the old man's. "Where exactly is your treasure hidden, Zenny the Pirate? Come on, old man, spit it out—now!" he sneered, grabbing the front of Zenny's shirt and yanking him toward him. "Or don't you not care about living anymore?" he ominously asked.

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