Chapter Nine [Rewritten]

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-Chapter Nine-

"The fuck?" I breathed out, taken aback by the way the man's body suddenly started to change—his arms now becoming cannons while his torso morphed into the shape of a house.

"" Sanji questioned.

"Awesome!" Luffy excitedly shouted, eyes turning to mere stars at the bizarre sight before him.

"Now if you'll please excuse me, I have to eat!" Wapol exclaimed as he unhinged his jaw like that of a boa constrictor and caused his men to cower in fear before him. I drew back in both horror and disgust the moment he chomped down on them and started to devour them whole as if they were nothing more than mere food for him to consume and not his own lackeys.

"N-no way! He's eating his own men!" Sanji sputtered in shock.

"I didn't expect him to resort to cannibalism because he was angry" I winced.

"That's so mean!" Luffy exclaimed as he pointed towards the king who we all now watched with a mixture of horror and awe as he began to stumble from side to side before eventually coming to a complete halt just as steam billowed out of the chimney at the top of his house-shaped body.

"Feast your eyes on our Miraculous Union!" he loudly boasted.

"What kind of union?" Sanji questioned as the door to Wapol's stomach opened and out stepped his two men—their bodies now combined in a weird and ridiculous way. "Miraculous Union? More like Ridiculous Union!" he insulted after just one glance at the two.

"That looks so uncomfortable" I whistled as I eyed the two, head hurting just the slightest bit in my attempts to really process what I was seeing.

"Sweet!" Luffy laughed.

"It's ridiculous and weird!" Sanji and I snapped as the captain only continued to joyfully laugh.

"Don't underestimate them" Kureha butted in before giving a short explanation of the two combined men's strength. Making it rather clear that they weren't meant to be taken lightly while in this strange form of theirs—despite how ridiculous they looked, they were a genuine force to be reckoned with.

"The first law of the constitution—those who define me are to be put to death, that's the law!" Wapol sneered. "You refuse my wishes and broke that law, and now you all will be punished for your crimes! But first I'm going to deal with that Doctor's flag for soiling my castle, it's time I took that thing down!" he snarled as he raised one of his cannon arms and shot a cannonball straight towards the flag a top the castle. His aim seemingly perfect as the cannonball did indeed hit its mark and caused the flag to fall from its place on top of the castle which caused Chopper to explode with unyielding frustration and hatred.

"How dare you attack Doctor's flag, you freak!" he angrily screamed as he recklessly rushed forward without a second thought. Transforming back into his normal self in order to dodge the two combined men that tried to stop him before quickly changing big once he was completely past them and was now on his way towards the king. "Doctor tried to...he tried to save everyone, even you!" he cried out as he roughly grabbed hold of the king's collar. His body violently shaking with immeasurable rage as tears pricked the corners of his eyes. Wapol only stared at the reindeer, not looking the least bit disheartened or scared, instead he looked rather disgusted by the fact that this strange animal was touching him.

Chopper angrily drew his fist back, looking as if he was ready to just punch the man before suddenly he stopped. His facial expression morphing into a look of realization as if he had suddenly remembered something which made it impossible for him to go through with punching them man before him.

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