Chapter Twenty One [Rewritten]

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-Chapter Twenty-One-

"So, that's why you're after him?" Usopp questioned.

"That makes sense" I said.

"I came here because I heard that Blackbeard was seen in Alabasta in a place called Yuba, so that's where I'm headed" Ace nodded as he knocked back the drink in his hand, clearly liking it a lot better compared to the younger pirates.

"Hey! That's our destination too, right?" Nami asked as she looked to the princess for confirmation.

"Exactly, we just entered the Sandora River" Vivi nodded, retrieving the map of the area. "We'll take it to Erumalu where we'll dock and walk on foot until we reach Yuba here" she explained, finger dragging along the map's surface as she marked out the route we were to follow. "The leader of the Rebel Army is there, that's where we're going."

"You don't say, you mind if I tag along?" Ace asked as he took a gander at the map.

"Nami, Vivi, Skylar, I'll follow you wherever you tell me to go!" Sanji suddenly cooed.

"Hopefully it's off a cliff..." Zoro muttered with a growl, a glint in his eye as he glared down the blond.

"What did you say, Moss Head?!" Sanji sneered.

"Cool it you two!" Nami snapped, clearly not in the mood to deal with either of the two's bickering.

"She's right, jealousy and anger aren't going to get us anywhere, Zoro" I teased.

"W-who says I'm jealous?!" the swordsman sputtered, cheeks now dusted pink with embarrassment as he crossed his arms and averted his gaze.

"Well, it looks like you'll be with us for a little while, Ace" Nami smiled, rolling and safely tucking away the map.

"We're all happy to have you aboard!" Usopp grinned.

"Haha! This is going to be fun too, Ace!" Luffy laughed, cup now raised.

"Cheers!" we shouted, clinking our cups together in celebration.


"Ahoy der maties! It is me, Captain Rice Ball Usopp!" I watched in silent amusement as Usopp move the rice ball stuck to his finger across the table. "And who might you be, huh?" he asked, looking up at Luffy's rice ball creation.

"I am Ricey the Rice Man" I barked out a laugh that soon turned into a hiss as I coiled back in pain from the sight of Sanji striking the two on the back of the head with a frying pan.

"Quit playing with our food, you damn numbskulls!" he snapped, owlishly blinking when my laughter suddenly returned. "My, Skylar, your laugh is so adorable!" he joyfully praised, hands now clasped together as he squirmed around in delight.

"Uh...thanks...?" I smiled before awkwardly coughing into my hand when I saw he was still stuck in that love-struck daze of his. "But don't you have two numbskulls to yell at though?" I asked, already motioning for him to go back to yelling at the two pirates crumpled up at his feet. "I'd hurry, it looks like they're trying to get away."

"Oh, right" his smile fell as soon as he looked back down at the two pirates that were now attempting to inch away from him—halting, one gave him their usual goofy grin while the other gave a nervous laugh upon being caught...though a certain coward did shoot me a sharp look while silently mouthing the word "traitor" in my direction. "If you got free time, wash dishes! I could use some help since I still have to pack all the food for the hike to Yuba" he angrily huffed, hitting the two once more before finally turning away and returning to the sink. Aggressively did he push up the sleeves of his robe as he began washing the dishes left behind from earlier's meal.

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