Chapter Sixty Four [Rewritten]

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-Chapter Sixty-Four-

"Of course, I had used him to get to the Rio Poneglyph" Robin confessed. "I'm good at maneuvering through obstacles to achieve my goal, I'd be a great asset to you and your friends" she smiled.

"You're full of confidence—what's your specialty?" Usopp asked, leaning forward

"Killing" Robin calmly answered, causing me to burst out into a fit of laughter.

"That's a nice specialty you got there" I snorted.

"Luffy! My investigation has concluded that she is far too dangerous!" Usopp cried as he whirled around in his chair and looked back at the captain. "You guys listening to me?!" he snapped when he noticed that Luffy and Chopper were far too distracted to listen as they were tickled by a group of disembodied hands.

"Seriously, I'm disappointed—you two are pathetic" Nami frowned, kicking the wall to gain everyone's attention. "Until recently, she was the vice president of a crime syndicate," she reminded us, "so do you really think that such a woman should join us? You may have fooled these idiots, but I'm not convinced" she glared. "You pull anything and I'll personally kick you out" she threateningly growled.

"Alright, I'll keep that in mind" Robin nodded with a small smile, unfazed by the ginger's threat. "Oh, I just remembered, I brought along some of Crocodile's jewelry with me" she suddenly confessed, dropping a small pouch onto the table.

"Oh! Wow!" Nami gasped as she rushed toward the table and snatched up the jewelry. "I love you, big sister! You're the best!" she squealed, seemingly no longer wary of the woman.

"She...she hasn't even been here that long and she's already figured out Nami's weakness" I sweat dropped.

"Oh boy, here we go" Zoro and Usopp sighed.

"Nami's been had" Usopp said.

"This chick's bad news..." Zoro grumbled.

"She's following her lead like some kind of pet" the sharpshooter remarked before wincing as he and the swordsman finally noticed the hearts that were floating around.

"Speaking of pets on a leash" I said upon noticing the stray hears as well.

"Ah, love," Sanji blissfully sighed, "bold, the likes of which I've never seen" he cooed as he came twirling towards the raven-haired woman, making a dramatic show of approaching her. "I'm captured by your spell, held prisoner in your eyes" he flirted, setting down a plate of cake and cup of coffee in front of Robin as Nami sunk to the floor and underneath the table as if wanting to admire her jewelry in private. "I was driftwood, floating at sea until you struck me like a thousand thunderbolts, igniting my soul—a snack?" he offered.

"Aw, thank you" Robin sweetly smiled.

"Look at him, falling all over himself" Zoro frowned.

"I mean...this is Sanji we're talking about" I said.

"Yeah, she's right, he was a lost cause from the start" Usopp nodded in agreement, yet still heaving a sigh of disappointment.

"Looks like you, Skylar, and I are the only holdouts on this ship of insanity" Zoro noted, slipping an arm around my waist.

"We shouldn't blame the others—their simple minds can't resist her charm" Usopp shrugged.

"She's just too charming for them, it seems" I sighed.

"Hey, Usopp, Skylar" Luffy suddenly called out, causing us to turn and look at him. "Chopper" he cutely smiled as two disembodied arms poked out of his temples like mock antlers. Upon seeing this, both Usopp and I immediately burst out into a fit of laughter as we fell to the floor—crying alongside Chopper and Luffy who were doing the same.

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