-Chapter Two Hundred-
"Listen up—if you've hurt that sweet angel or even plan on hurting any of these lovely ladies, you have to go through me to do it!" Sanji growled.
"He said I still haven't played my trump card yet!" Chopper suddenly exclaimed, causing me to raise an eyebrow before quickly concluding that he must have been translating for an animal because there was no other reason for him to say something so villainous himself.
"Hey, Luffy, maybe we should pick up the pace a little" I suggested as my ears perked up to the sound of a seahorse nearby.
"Should we?" he blinked, tilting his head in a questioning manner.
"What do you mean? You're the one that wanted to find Zoro" I frowned. He was starting to become much more lax now compared to mere seconds ago when he was frantically acting like we needed to find Zoro right this instance after being freed from that boulder. I couldn't help but now wonder if his frantic behavior from earlier was a direct result of adrenaline after being crushed underneath half a boulder...
I wouldn't doubt it.
"What's he saying now?" I heard Usopp nervously ask.
"Cut them to pieces, Roronoa Zoro!" Chopper translated. "That's all" he said.
"See, I knew it! He's being—he's being controlled by that thing!" Usopp wailed.
"Somebody better do something and fast!" Nami fearfully cried as I quickly rushed ahead of Luffy when I saw that he had no plans on picking up the pace. I couldn't tell if his lack of concern was just him being his usual self and not really seeing a need to worry about whatever was happening or if being crushed underneath that boulder actually had messed with his head in some way. If he was in some kind of disorientating daze now that the high of nearly being crushed to death had worn off, then he was doing a pretty good job at hiding it because nothing about him seemed that off as far as I could tell.
"Geez, it never fails" Sanji scoffed. "Stupid swordsman, he always has to make everything so damn difficult..." he irritably grumbled.
"Sanji, be careful!" Usopp cried as I finally reached the top of the hill, coming to a halt as I watched Sanji rush toward Zoro.
"Skylar, you're alive!" Nami gasped the second she spotted me hastily coming toward her and the others.
"Are you guys alright? Do you have your memories back?" I asked,
"We're fine, but shouldn't we be the ones asking you that?" Nami questioned as I raised an eyebrow. "What the heck happened to your neck?" she worriedly frowned, suddenly grabbing my face and tilting my head so she had a better look at the massive bruise on my collarbone.
"N-nothing!" I choked, face instantly flushing as I quickly avoided all eye contact the minute she brought attention to my hickey.
"Skylar, my sweet, your—did that idiot swordsman do that to your neck?!" Sanji snapped the second he also caught sight of the hickey. "You perverted bastard!" he growled, kicking his foot out, only for it to be instantly stopped by one of the swordsman's swords.
"Stay out of my way! You got that, dumbass cook!" Zoro snapped right back.
"There he is!" Luffy brightened as he finally caught up, now stretching himself as far back as he could before flying toward the two that were fighting. "Zoro!" he shouted as he crashed into them—a bored expression on his face that made me laugh as the three went flying by and into a nearby rock.
"Nice, Luffy!" I whistled as we rushed over to the three after crashing to make sure they were alright.
"Are you guys okay?" Chopper worriedly asked.

One Piece (Love Story) [Part One]
FanfictionContains Chapters: 1 - 200 Summary: For years Skylar's been haunted with the memories of her past, unable to let it all go and move on. All hope seems to be lost for her until the day she meets the Straw Hats, can they help her pick up the pieces an...