Chapter One Hundred and Eighty Seven [Rewritten]

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-Chapter One Hundred and Eighty-Seven-

"I see Usopp seems to be enjoying this" I teasingly remarked, leaning forward in my seat as I watched the sharpshooter start excitedly giving out orders to the rubber man as if he were his coach.

"So funky! I can feel the vibe like a fire in my soul!" Sanji exclaimed.

"Sanji seems to be enjoying it as well" I snorted.

"You see, this is what happens when you leave Luffy alone with Usopp" Zoro frowned.

"Can he try and show some dignity for once?" Nami grumbled, unamused with how ridiculous the three men were being.

"Hey, not too shabby, sometimes you got to unleash the beast to win!" Foxy grinned. "Not that you have any chance against me!" he boasted.

"You might be the champ, but this one got some bite!" Usopp laughed. "He's out of sight, you best get ready for a fight because his one-two is going to give you a—"

"Alright, cornerman, it's time to take your sideshow to the sidelines" Itomimizu interrupted.

"But I was really getting my groove on! You can't make me leave already!" Usopp snapped.

"Manager out!" Itomimizu announced as the crowd erupted into a loud cheer, showing that they were in agreement with the man—they wanted Usopp off the stage now so that they could continue with the round.

"Get on with the show!" someone impatiently shouted.

"And since I'm not needed here either, I'll be on my merry way" Itomimizu said, hopping onto his bird and taking flight. "Let's get this thing started" he proclaimed, ready to get the match started himself.

"Huh? What the—the stands are moving!" Nami gawked as the stands suddenly started to rise.

"Whoa! Cool!" Luffy sparkled in amazement. "I got to get chairs like that on my ship!" he grinned.

"Now then, Luffy, what do you say you and I have a little fun?" Foxy mischievously grinned. "This whole ship is our playground, after all—feel free to go as wild as you like. Don't worry, we have plenty of skilled shipwrights to clean up after our mess" he assured the rubber man, showing that he had no problem with the amount of damage that was most likely going to be caused to his ship.

"Now, our opponents' face-off on top of the fabulous figurehead of the Sexy Foxy—what kind of fearsome flying fists will be thrown down today?" Itomimizu eagerly asked.

"Luffy, don't lose! That's all that matters!" Sanji shouted.

"Just watch out for his beam, okay!" Nami added.

"Come on, Luffy! You can do it!" I happily cheered.

"Excitement fills the stands in the final seconds before the match—it's plunder or be plunder with Foxy's infamous five-hundred-man wager making the stakes high!" Itomimizu announced. "Will Foxy seize six generations of Straw Hats?" he asked.

"Luffy!" Chopper cheered.

"Go, boss!" two of Foxy's men cheered from in front of us.

"It's the Silver Slow Slugger vs. the Gum Gum Gatling Gun! This is one round, but with no time limit, as long as they stay in bounds...anything goes!" Itomimizu exclaimed. "The fighters are ready and there goes the bell" he relayed followed by the sound of a bell, signaling the start of the match.

"Yeah!" Luffy cheered, already stretching his arm back and flinging it forward.

"Slow Slow Beam!" Foxy dodged the fist that came at him and hit it with his beam—slowing its momentum even as the rubber man's arm continued at the same fast pace, causing it to violently wiggle around as it continued to move forward.

"My arm is fast, but my fist is all slow!" Luffy gaped, surprised the man could slow only one part of his body.

"You don't expect me to be afraid of a rubber hose, do you?!" Foxy mockingly laughed.

"Give me a second" Luffy frowned as he grabbed at his wiggling arm in an attempt to stop it. "Come back!" he tried his hardest to pull his fist back toward him, only to instead shoot forward with it.

"Slow Slow Beam" Foxy took his aim at Luffy this time who quickly jumped out of the way, causing the long-nosed captain to burst out into a fit of laughter. "I fooled you! Slow Slow Beam!" this time, he did shoot off the beam and hit the rubber man who was still flying through the air.

"Luffy!" Sanji shouted.

"Wow, he's floating" Zoro whistled, watching the rubber man's slow descent toward the ground now that he's been hit. "I guess that means he falls slow too" he noted.

"I told him to watch out for that, why won't he listen to me?" Nami huffed.

"Man, talk about pathetic!" one of the men seated in front of Robin, Chopper, and I snickered.

"Come on, boss—put him out of his misery!" another laughed. Frowning, I popped the lid off of the drink in my hand and dumped its contents all over one of the men while Robin smashed the bag of popcorn in her hands over the other's head. I may not enjoy wasting food, but I felt that this time was well warranted.

"Oh no!" Luffy slowly gasped, sounding far more dramatic than he needed to be.

"I know there's no time limit, but come on! Why don't you spare us both and give up?!" Foxy laughed.

"No way!" Luffy frowned, still speaking at a snail's pace as Foxy jumped onto his stomach.

"Nine Tail Punches!" Foxy fists started to move at such a rapid pace that it created the illusion that there were multiple pairs of them as he now beat on the defenseless rubber man.

"Oh ho! Our boss unleashes his signature attack right off the bat!" Itomimizu whistled. "Straw Hat is helpless to fight back!" he proclaimed.

"This is crazy!" Sanji scowled, dragging my attention away from the rubber man being unfairly assaulted. "He's not budging an inch!" he huffed.

"No, look closely" Zoro pointed, dragging my attention straight back toward the match. "He's just moving in slow motion" he explained as Foxy finally finished his assault and removed himself from the slow-moving pirate. Despite the seriousness of the situation, it was all sucked away the minute the punches started to slowly register and cause the captain's face to slowly change in expressions in a way that I couldn't help but giggle at due to how silly it looked.

"Consider that a preview of what's to come—though, to your credit, it seems like you could take a punch pretty well" Foxy praised a little. "Fortunately, I've got plenty of other tricks up my sleeve" he grinned.

"Come back here!" Luffy slowly snapped as he finally started to near the ground.

"Well, your thirty seconds are about up" Foxy said as Luffy's face continued to sluggishly react to the forces of all the punches he had received earlier. It wasn't long though before the effects of the beam finally did wear off and he slammed painfully into the ground—now taking each of the hits at full force.

"All at once!" Chopper gasped.

"The beam wore off—he's falling overboard" Robin pointed out.

"That's not good, he can't swim!" I worriedly frowned.

"Luffy!" Chopper cried as the rubber man quickly shot an arm up and grabbed hold of the ship's bow. Just as his feet touched the surface of the water, he flung himself upwards and back onto the ship where he was left a panting mess as his arm snapped itself back into place.

"That Slow Slow Beam of his is going to give me more trouble than I thought..." he irritably groaned as he sat up, rubbing his cheek. "Aw! I sure am cool, huh? Still, I got to be more careful where I stretch my arms out and fight like a man!" he huffed as he angrily kicked an ear off of the Sexy Foxy's figurehead.

"I understand your frustration, but don't take it out on the ears!" Itomimizu snapped as the rubber man disappeared out of sight and onto the deck of the Sexy Foxy.

-Everybody's P.O.V-

Landing on the main deck of the ship, Luffy was instantly greeted by the sight of slow-moving arrows all pointed in his direction.

"Did he use his beam?" he pondered before quickly dodging the arrows the minute their momentum came back and they shot straight for him.

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