Chapter One Hundred and Twenty Nine [Rewritten]

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-Chapter One Hundred and Twenty-Nine-

"It's the festival of the night before gold hunting!" Usopp drunkenly cheered as the wolves and mostly everyone else danced around the large fire that had been built.

"This is fantastic—you guys really make this stuff?" Nami asked in surprise upon taking a sip of the drink in her hand as Luffy and a few wolves started to howl together in utter excitement. "That's great! More please!" she laughed, holding up her cup, Mindlessly humming, I listened to the cheerful sounds of everyone around me—both human and animal alike—while comfortably seated between Zoro's legs. Currently, the swordsman behind me was busy chugging as much alcohol as he could, only occasionally stopping to clink glasses with the wolf next to him every once in a while.

"Tomorrow the treasure is ours!" Luffy loudly cheered.

"Treasure!" Chopper echoed.

"Tomorrow!" Sanji laughed as I softly huffed a laugh of my own at the sight of their drunken cheer. Smiling, I quietly watched as the others drank and danced alongside the animals that normally would have feasted on their flesh in any other situation.

"Eh?" I owlishly blinked when I was suddenly yanked back. Before I could look back or say anything, a shiver racked down my spine at the sudden sensation of teeth gently tugging at my earlobe which was then followed by hot breath being blown into my ear. I silently waited a moment or two to see if he would say anything, yet no words came despite the warm breath he breathed indicating that he may have had something to say. "Already drunk I see" I embarrassingly chuckled despite knowing he wasn't—I knew he could hold his alcohol well after being on a ship with him for this long.

"Maybe" he snorted as he wrapped his arms around my waist and buried his face into the back of my head, sucking in a deep breath of air through his nose as he did so. "You smell nice..." he tiredly mumbled as he nuzzled closer. I wasn't exactly sure what had him so affectionate at this exact moment other than the possibility that he was starting to catch a nice buzz from all this drinking...

Not like I'm complaining though.

"And you smell like sweat and alcohol" I snorted, ignoring the warmth of my cheeks as I leaned back against him. "So much for not being a lightweight, who knew you could be so affectionate" I playfully teased, giggling at the hum I got in return.

"Don't act like you don't like the attention..." I heard him softly mumble, causing my blush to slowly darken and spread at suddenly being called out on my enjoyment of the attention. There was something nice about the deep rumble of his chest as he chuckled while I crossed my arms and pouted, unable to really think of a defense or comeback.

"I'm surprised that you're getting along so well with the Cloud Wolves, I know of no one else who can have such ruckus activates on Eneru's land" Gan Fall's voice suddenly pierced through the air as he awoke from where we had him resting.

"It's good to see that you're awake, are you feeling any better?" Robin asked as he stood and approached us.

"I apologize for being such a burden to you all" Gan Fall apologized.

"You don't need to apologize" I dismissively waved.

"She's right, you're being too hard on yourself, old man" Zoro nodded in agreement. "You saved Chopper and you kept our ship from being blown up to pieces" he reminded the old man, listing off the reasons why his apology wasn't necessary.

"That's my duty" Gan Fall argued, not really seeing such feats as anything worth excusing the trouble he felt that he had caused us.

"There's plenty of stew left, would you like some?" Robin offered, already looking ready to stand and retrieve the older man some food.

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