Chapter Sixty Five [Rewritten]

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-Chapter Sixty-Five-

"And just who made you captain? Why do you get to give all the orders?" Zoro asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Back off! I may not be the captain, but who else is going to do it?" Nami defended.

"Look, all of them are kind of short" Luffy smiled as he held up four short straws.

"Luffy, that's not how you draw straws" I sweat dropped.

"You drew four! You were only supposed to take one!" Usopp snapped.

"I thought the person who grabs the most is the winner?" Luffy frowned, tilting his head in confusion as Nami's eye seemed to just twitch in irritation.

"Were you not paying attention when Nami was speaking earlier?" I questioned.

"I don't think further explanation on the subject is necessary, do you? Nami asked.

"No" we responded as the captain burst out laughing.

"I know, am I great or what?" he grinned.

"You idiot!" Nami, Usopp, and Zoro snapped as they hit him.

"Yeah, you sure are" I softly sighed with a smile.

"I drew the long one, so I stay and watch the ship" Chopper said, repeating back to himself what Nami had said earlier as he looked at the remaining stick that he had drawn.

"That's right, just make sure to keep her in one piece, okay" Nami nodded.

"That shouldn't be too much of a hassle with how empty and peaceful everything is" I smiled.

"Hurry up! Hurry up—let's go! There's lots of fruit waiting to be picked!" Luffy excitedly bounced in place as he impatiently waited for us. "You're coming with us, Nami, right?" he asked.

"No thanks, while you guys are gathering supplies, I'm going to spend the day measuring the island so I'll be able to add it to our sea charts" Nami shook her head. "Now, let's get to work" she smiled with the clap of her hands.

"Be careful, see you guys later—have a good one!" Chopper waved as we finally departed from the ship.

"You too, look after the ship!" Nami called back as she and I waved bye to the reindeer.

"I'm sure he'll be fine, it's not like he's completely alone" I hummed as the navigator nodded in agreement

"The one who collects the most fruit is the winner!" Luffy suddenly and happily announced, already bursting with excitement as he started to practically bounce.

"I can't wait" Usopp smiled.

"Already turning this into a competition now, are we?" I laughed.

"It's going to be a long day" Zoro groaned.

"Come on, sourpuss—look on the bright side, at least it's a beautiful day today" I smiled, lightly hitting the swordsman's shoulder.

"I guess..." he grunted.

"Alright, it's time—measuring, measuring" Nami happily chanted, already looking rather eager herself to start exploring the island.

"Oh, how lively Nami is when she's taking measurements—the tools on her back glistening in the sunlight, Nami!" Sanji swooned, gushing over the ginger as hearts floated all around him.

"Stop acting stupid and catch up already!" Zoro huffed.

"That's not looking on the bright side of things" I chirped, giggling as he turned his narrowed eyes toward me before softening his gaze and giving a small smile the second I locked eyes with him and brightly smiled.

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