Chapter One Hundred and Forty [Rewritten]

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-Chapter One Hundred and Forty-

Heaving a tired sigh, I suddenly found my mind running wild with thoughts—thoughts that just kept going back to the inevitable fight that was most likely taking place between Eneru and Luffy right now. A fight between a man made of lightning and a man whose body was nothing but rubber...I felt my lips twitch the longer I thought about such a bizarre pairing until finally, I snorted.

Eneru was certainly going to have his work cut out for him now that his little lightning tricks would prove to be useless against someone like Luffy.

"What's so funny?" Robin curiously asked with a raised brow, looking at me in silent amusement as she watched how I turned my head the other way as if attempting to hide the ever-growing smile on my face the longer I thought about Luffy and Eneru's fight.

"It's nothing, just thinking" I sighed once I had finally gathered myself. "Perhaps we should get a move on—I doubt it's safe to just sit here and wait" I suggested, pressing my hand against the broken wall behind us to help support my body as I slowly stood on shaky legs. Robin only nodded as she took the hand I held out for her. "The sky's getting dark..." I muttered as I pulled her up off the ground, gaze drifting upward as I only just now took notice of the gray clouds that now blocked out the sun.

"Indeed, it is" Robin nodded as we set to work in moving the others to some place safer.

"Shit!" I jumped at the loud clap of thunder and flash of lightning as my gaze nervously darted toward the sky.

"Not a fan of thunder, I see" Robin softly remarked from beside me, taking note of my startled and wary expression as I slowly turned back.

"No...not in particular..." it was an embarrassing thing to admit as I usually hid my discomfort of such storms from the others. It was difficult to hear the clapping of thunder without being reminded of such unsavory memories. Memories of a large home whose rooms were weighed down with the sickening feeling of dread and fear...memories of sharp voices followed by shattering glass and infuriated screams that only grew louder with every flash of lightning...

Shaking my head, I continued helping Robin in moving the others...although there wasn't really much I could do outside of making sure that none of the bodies fell off the disembodied feet that helped carry them along the beanstalk all in one go. Effortlessly moving them without any difficulties.

"A ship?" Robin suddenly inquired as the dark clouds finally began to clear and reveal to us a ship leisurely sailing through the sky.

"Uh...why is there a ship in the sky?" I frowned, staring up in slight awe at how something so massive was able to stay afloat in the air with such ease.

"It's him, Eneru..." Robin mumbled before shaking her head as she motioned for us to get back to work. It was hard work helping one another along the beanstalk, carefully having to watch our steps as we relied on one another to keep our balance. My muscles wept in agony at the strenuous activity of having to climb the giant stalk, screaming in protest at having to be put to work so soon after the electrifying shock they had suffered not long ago. Heaving a sharp breath, I grabbed Robin's hands and allowed her to pull me up the rest of the way into the clouds above. Leaning against her while simultaneously propping her up, we silently followed closely beside the others. Once we were certain we were safe and high enough, we stopped and stared—our gazes once more drawn toward the dark sky as if waiting for a sign that it was all about to come to either a head or an end.

"Robin! Skylar!" Luffy's laughter is what made us look down as we curiously watched him race up the beanstalk—one of his arms dragging behind him and looking to be encased inside a golden ball twice his size.

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