Chapter Seventy One [Rewritten]

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-Chapter Seventy-One-

"For the record, I've never once called myself a Pirate Hunter" Zoro corrected.

"Well, obviously other people did, so then who came up with the name?" Robin asked.

"Yeah, I'm kind of curious about that as well" I piped up.

"Who knows? Doesn't matter to me, lady" Zoro grumbled with a shrug as he leaned back and closed his eyes once more. Robin only walked away, quietly laughing to herself as she looked back at the swordsman and shook her head. Tilting my head, I flickered my gaze over to Luffy and Usopp, who were still shooting off cannonballs and laughing their heads off. But the minute I looked back at Zoro, I couldn't help but huff a smile when I saw that he had already fallen back asleep.

-Time Skip-

"Come on, guys, do something or they're going to blow us out of the water!" Nami irritably huffed over the sounds of cannon fire.

"I don't know what you're so worried about, they keep missing us every time they shoot" I said, leaning against the railing as she shook her head.

"Just because they're missing now, doesn't mean they'll keep missing" she argued.

"I doubt that" I said, watching as another cannonball hit the water with a splash.

"I'm too hungry to do anything..." Luffy weakly groaned from where he and Chopper were draped over the ship's railing.

"Me too..." Chopper nodded in agreement.

"Then why not fish with Usopp and catch something for Sanji to cook?" I suggested, motioning toward the fishing sharpshooter. I sweat dropped when all I received was more groans, indicating that they didn't appreciate my suggestion of having to work for their food.

"This would be much easier without all the damn cannon fire..." Zoro grumbled as he tried to clean his swords.

"Usopp, have you caught anything yet?" Luffy finally asked.

"For the thousandth time, no—that's like me asking you if you've found any freshwater" Usopp frowned in annoyance.

"If the cannonballs don't kill us, starvation or dehydration will..." Chopper mumbled.

"How much longer 'til we reach an island?" I asked. "By the way they keep complaining, it seems we're in desperate need of supplies" I said, looking to the irritated ginger beside me.

"Sorry, Skylar, but I'm a bit busy trying to get everyone to keep us from sinking to answer your question" she grounded out as more cannonballs whizzed past.

"Robin! I made you some tea and a snack that's as sweet as you, a little specialty" Sanji cooed as he suddenly came bursting out of the kitchen.

"Thank you, Mr. Cook" Robin sweetly smiled as the blond handed her the treats he had made just for her.

"I want a snack too!" Luffy loudly whined the second he saw the blond.

"You've been holding out on us, you lovesick bum!" Usopp snapped as he and the other two jumped the blond—all of them frustrated to learn that the cook had been hiding food from them this entire time.

"Hey, get back!" Sanji growled in return as he tried to hold the three back with just his foot.

"Um...guys" Nami spoke up, eye twitching the longer she listened to the four argue. "They're still right behind us!" she stressed, growing more and more frustrated by the minute as Robin joined in on the commotion by using her Devil Fruit powers to tickle Luffy and Chopper as a way to settle them both down.

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