Chapter One Hundred and Twenty One [Rewritten]

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-Chapter One Hundred and Twenty-One-

"Really?" Nami brightened as her sour mood instantly lifted upon hearing this news.

"As long as you ride the current, nobody will be able to catch you" Conis assured us.

"I got it! We won't tell Luffy, we'll just sail the Going Merry into the current!" Nami grinned, eyes sparkling at this ingenious plan of hers.

"And what? We just hope that he doesn't notice until it's too late?" Chopper questioned.

"I mean, Luffy's not always the brightest tool in the toolshed, but I doubt he'd be too stupid to realize what we're doing" I said.

"Even so, I seriously doubt he'll give up on his quest" Robin remarked, causing a low growl of annoyance to leave the back of Nami's throat.

"If you like, I'll be happy to guide you to the entrance of the current to make sure you set off for home safely" Conis offered.

"That's kind of you" I smiled.

"Great! Now we just have to make sure Luffy doesn't catch wind of what's going on!" Nami clapped, deadset on following through with this plan of hers no matter what. "But don't worry, we'll take care of that" she assured the young woman.

"Then ready your ship and I'll be back with the others as soon as I can" Conis smiled.

"You got it" Nami nodded. "We really appreciate it, Conis" she softly smiled in return as she expressed her gratitude toward the blonde.

"You're welcome" Conis nodded as her smile suddenly became strained and a nervous sweat began to build itself upon her brow. No longer did she look relaxed—instead, she looked anxious, yet she still attempted to keep the appearance of someone that was calm. It was a stance that I knew all too well and one that made my brows furrow in confusion.

"Bye, Conis—see you in a bit!" Nami waved as the angel left to go and retrieve the others for us.

"Be right back!" she called back with her own wave.

"Finally, a light at the end of the tunnel!" Nami grinned as she turned toward Robin and me. "For a while there, I was really getting worried" she sighed in contentment as if this new plan of ours seemed to just instantly put her at ease.

"I'm still a bit skeptical that the current will actually take us home" Robin suddenly admitted.

"I see no reason why Conis would lie to us, but it does seem a bit fishy" I nodded, scratching at my cheek. I didn't want to think poorly of the blonde due to how nice she and her father have been to us since we arrived...but it was hard to trust what she had said after seeing how nervous she became right there at the end as if she had something eating away at her from the inside that she couldn't tell us.

"Why's that?" Nami questioned, curiously tilting her head.

"If what she said is true and this current really exists, wouldn't it stand to reason we would hear more stories of people returning safely from Sky Island?" Robin inquired.

"But you must remember, very few people ever managed to find their way up here in the first place" Nami quickly counteracted. "So, of course, you're not going to hear many stories of people coming back" she pointed out.

"She's got a point" I couldn't help but agree.

"And even if they did find the current, there's no guarantee their ship could withstand the height which it requires" Chopper piped up.

"Good point, a lot of captains don't know when to call it quits" Nami nodded in agreement.

"Like our captain?" I asked.

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