Chapter One Hundred and Forty Four [Rewritten]

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-Chapter One Hundred and Forty-Four-

"Boy, those Blue Sea people sure do like to party, don't they?" someone quietly whispered after being woken up by the rowdiness of our crew.

"After four days of this? You'd think they would be worn out—there's no way they can be human..." another grumbled as our captain and navigator continued to argue. But once the arguments finally died down and everything was calm once again, we patiently waited for the people who had woken up to fall back asleep before quietly huddling around one another.

"So that's the plan, guys" Luffy grinned once he had finished telling us what exactly he was wanting us to do come morning.

"I think he's right, gang" Usopp nodded with a grin of his own. "It's not every day we get to go to an island in the sky, so let's make this trip worthwhile!"

-The Next Day-

"Cut!" Zoro huffed, swinging his sword downward as I boredly sat off to the side—eyes drooping as my head would occasionally fall downwards every now and again. "You know, you could train too" he suddenly suggested, sparing me a glance the moment my head jerked back upright before a loud yawn left my lips.

"In my tired state? I might accidentally cut a limb off..." I drowsily said.

"Didn't get much sleep last night, did you?" he asked.

"No, I didn't" I truthfully shook my head, seeing no reason to lie with the evidence as clear as day.

"What were you dreaming about anyway? I could feel you squirming around beside me all last night" I didn't respond, not really wanting to think back on the nightmare that had come a-knocking on my mind before ruthlessly dragging me back into a hell that I wished would disappear and never return despite knowing it never will.

"I'm so lucky!" Usopp's excited voice suddenly cut into our conversation as the sharpshooter came walking toward us, a giddy smile on his face as he held a few dials in his hands.

"You're in such a good mood, Usopp—I'm assuming your trading went well" Zoro assumed as he turned back to his training, not feeling the need to continue our conversation any longer now that the sharpshooter was here.

"Yeah, what did you get?" I curiously asked, tilting my head as I attempted to sneak a peek at the dials he had on him.

"Oh yeah, and how—just look at all these dials I got" Usopp proudly showed off. "One little press and tada!" he grinned, pressing down on the apex of one of the shells and causing it to spew out fire from its opening.

"Nice" I whistled.

"Well, good for you" Zoro said, not really sounding all that interested as he continued to swing his sword around.

"You mean great—I can do so many things with them" Usopp grinned as he plopped down beside me which allowed me to get a closer look at the dials he currently had on him. "The old Usopp Workshop is going to be revolutionized! You know what? I can use one to store smells in your swords, that way you can smell fresh-cut lemons every time you practice—sound good?" he asked.

"No thanks" Zoro shook his head, quick to shoot down the sharpshooter's idea.

"Come on, you could cut your enemies down with a lemony fresh scent" I chuckled.

"Not interested" Zoro responded with another shake of his head. "What about you?" he asked, quick to turn the offer back on me.

"I don't like lemons" I snorted.

"Oh! Speaking of weapons, I'm going to use these to make Nami's Clima Takt stronger" Usopp excitedly grinned as he started to think about all the things he could do with the dials he now had. "Not to mention my slingshot—I can't wait!" I couldn't help but smile, watching with a gentle expression as he started to giddly bounce as if he could no longer find it himself to sit still. "So where's everybody?" he finally asked once he took notice that it was just Zoro and me out here.

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