Chapter One Hundred and Ninety One [Rewritten]

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-Chapter One Hundred and Ninety-One-

"It's the end of the round!" Itomimizu announced at the sound of a bell as Foxy's men began to pile up near the bottom of the stand—jumping into the water after their captain in order to save him from potentially drowning. "The Davy Back Giant has been tumbled and the boy with the tiny crew and massive afro has seized the day in grand fashion!" he proclaimed.

"Uh-oh..." I muttered as the stands began to tremble before finally giving out thanks to the excessive amount of weight piled onto one side.


"You little show off! Who do you think you are?!" Usopp cried as we crowded around Luffy's unconscious body after removing it from Foxy's ship. "Take this! And this!" he frowned as he harshly started to poke at the rubber man's face.

"Hey, stop that—he's really hurt! You'll poke him to death!" Chopper scolded.

"Yeah—knock it off, Usopp! Luffy's pretty tired and worn out from the fight, he gave it his all and I think he deserves to rest!" I snapped, causing the sharpshooter to flinch as he cringed a little at how rough my voice sounded.

"Yeah, afro power my butt" Nami scoffed. "That was a close call if I've ever seen one" she huffed.

"Whoa, hey—let's not disrespect the afro here" Sanji frowned.

"He's right, Nami" I nodded. "You should show more respect to the afro" I chuckled as I playfully chastised the ginger for her dismissal of the the afro our captain wore.

"Didn't Chopper tell you to limit your speaking for a while so as not to put any more strain on your voice?" Nami glared.

"No..." I widely smiled as I quickly averted my gaze.

"Liar!" Chopper and Nami snapped, causing me to giggle as I quickly held my hands up in defense when they started scolding me.

"Look! He's waking up!" Chopper pointed out when the captain suddenly groaned and began to stir.

"Where am I? What happened?" Luffy asked, slowly sitting up as he curiously looked around and tried to gather his bearings, quick to note that he was no longer on the Sexy Foxy and instead laid out on the grass. "Is it over? Did I win? That wasn't a dream, was it? Was it?!" he frantically asked, already starting to panic as he struggled to remember what had happened before he passed out.

"Whoa! One question at a time there, captain" I grinned.

"You don't need to freak out, you beat him" Zoro assured him.

"What a relief" Luffy sighed as he fell back down.

"Everyone else said you'd lose, but not me!" Usopp boasted.

"You're a bad liar" Sanji grumbled.

"Guess it would have been a real pain if you lost—imagine being stuck on a boat with Foxy" Zoro frowned at the idea. "Screw that!" he scoffed.

"Doesn't sound pleasant at all" I laughed.

"Boss, wait!" one of Foxy's men suddenly cried.

"You got to take it easy!" another wailed as they tried to stop the opposing captain from moving.

"Hey, rubber boy!" Foxy shouted as he stormed toward us. "I was pretty attached to that win streak of mine—I'm not pleased about you ruining it" he frowned.

"Boss, no!" one of his men worriedly shouted, fearing that the man was going to ask for another Davy Back Fight despite how hurt he was.

"I'm kidding, brother, let's shake!" Foxy suddenly laughed as he held his hand out—standing tall and proud as his crew now praised him for how mature and amazing he was. "Taste my Shoulder Throw!" he suddenly sneered, attempting to toss Luffy over his shoulder the second he grabbed his hand...only to end up flipping himself over as the rubber man's arm stretched.

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