Chapter One Hundred and Ninety Four [Rewritten]

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-Chapter One Hundred and Ninety-Four-

"It just talked!" Luffy and Usopp shouted, unintentionally scaring the reindeer into hiding even further behind the barrel.

"Hey, I say we catch it!" Luffy suddenly suggested, already rushing for Chopper much to the reindeer's dismay.

"If everyone's lost their memories, does that mean..." my eyes widened as I started to look around for that familiar head of green hair.

Was he still up in the crow's nest or had he already wandered off on his own in confusion?

There were so many possibilities as my breathing slowly started to pick up the longer I couldn't see him—I flinched at the gentle hand that suddenly grabbed my shoulder, drawing a startled gasp from me as I quickly darted my gaze to the side.

"We already have enough problems as is, I prefer if you didn't have a panic attack right now" Robin calmly said, giving my shoulder a comforting squeeze.

"Yeah, sorry..." I mumbled, slowing my breathing as I nodded. She was right, a panic attack really was the last thing either of us needed to deal with at the moment...still, that did very little to quell the uneasy feeling in my stomach as my gaze once more darted around the deck.

"Stop! Leave that thing alone!" Usopp panicked as Luffy now chased a screaming Chopper around the deck.

"Hey, girl! Help me grab this!" Luffy called over to Nami.

"What? No way—buzz off, loser!" Nami snapped as she took a step back.

"Everything will be okay, alright" Robin murmured in assurance, once more giving my shoulder another comforting squeeze once she saw that my worrying wasn't easing up at all the longer the chaos before us unfolded.

"Maybe..." I mumbled, unsure of her words as I found it hard to find amusement in the chase going on around the ship right now.

"I'm going to catch you, Furball!" Luffy laughed followed by a loud crash from whatever it was he and Chopper had unintentionally knocked over during their chase.

"Oh boy, where do we even begin to explain this to them?" Robin sighed, silently studying the mess before her.

"We could start by getting Luffy to stop harassing Chopper" I suggested.

"True..." she hummed, nodding in agreement. "Alright, that's enough nonsense" she said only to go ignored as the captain continued to chase after the reindeer—stirring up nothing more than a loud ruckus that kept everyone distracted. "Anyone who wants answers, listen up" she tried again, only to find herself ignored once more.

"Hey! Pipe down and listen up!" I shouted, causing everyone to halt—flinching as they instantly turned their heads and looked our way.

"Okay, we're listening" Usopp said.

"Floor's all yours" I said, motioning for the older woman to take over now that we had everyone's attention.

"Let's sort some things out—we're currently located somewhere in the Grand Line, did any of you remember that?" Robin asked, getting straight to the point.

"The Grand Line? Oh!" Luffy perked up, excited to hear that he was somewhere out on the Grand Line.

"Are you seriously happy about this? The Grand Line is supposed to be teeming with all sorts of creepy monsters and dangerous stuff!" Usopp snapped upon seeing the rubber man's excitement. "How I see it, the only rational reaction here is to panic and freak out!" he huffed.

"Yeah, you would say that..." I muttered, gaze darting elsewhere as I felt my lips twitch.

"Really? It just looks like the regular old sea—you sure this is the Grand Line?" Luffy curiously asked.

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