Chapter Sixty Six [Rewritten]

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-Chapter Sixty-Six-

"Boiled maybe..." Sanji quietly mumbled to himself as if he was truly considering Luffy's suggestion to eat this overgrown snail.

"Not you too" Usopp groaned.

"Ah! It's opening up" I jolted, pointing the minute the hatch on the snail's shell suddenly popped open.

"Oh, wow, I thought I was going to die in there for sure" a man gasped as he sat up. "Oh! Hi everyone" he quickly greeted the second he spotted us.

"Who the heck are you?" Luffy asked.

"Oh, dear, please do pardon me for not introducing myself to you folks sooner" the man brightly smiled. "I'm Rice Rice from Transponder Snail Mail Order, I'm available at a moment's notice to happily deliver anything you might need to a place of residence—so nice to meet you" he happily introduced, almost sounding a bit robotic in his greeting as if he had said this same spiel plenty time before and knew it by heart at this point.

"Transponder Mail Snail...what?" Zoro blinked. "I've never heard of it" he admitted.

"Well, you see, I was in the process of making a delivery with the S-Car here when we got caught in a terrible storm and I became trapped inside" Rice Rice explained as he motioned towards the S-Car. "I was in there just being tossed back and forth and back and forth by the violent waves, it was really unpleasant" he truthfully told us.

"That sounds bad" I winced.

"Oh, wow, that must have shaken you up" Nami said.

"Shaken and stirred!" Rice Rice laughed. "Pardon my joke, I can't help myself sometimes" he smiled.

"Same" I nodded.

"Here, have some water" Chopper offered the S-Car, holding a bowl of water out to the giant snail that finally started to creep its way out of its shell.

"I want to thank you all so much for saving me from the wicked sea, it's not much, but I'd like for you to have these catalogs—I can deliver anything in here for you" Rice Rice said, digging around inside the S-Car's shell before pulling out a stack of catalogs.

"That's cool, so you'll even deliver them while we're out in the ocean?" Zoro questioned as I picked up one of the catalogs and started to boredly flip through it.

"Well, no, I can't do that" Rice Rice truthfully answered.

"Okay" Zoro's eye twitched a little in what I could only assume was irritation.

"Makes sense, you wouldn't be able to know exactly where we were if you did that" I hummed, stopping every few pages to read up on some of the products this man's business had to offer. So far, it all looked pretty standard—nothing more than various products you probably could find just about anywhere else if you looked hard enough. Chances were his business partnered with other kinds in order to procure the products that he was selling.

"Correct, our motto is safe, reliable, and inexpensive—in order to meet those standers, we are currently unable to make sea deliveries" Rice Rice nodded as I closed the catalog and carelessly threw it back onto the pile of untouched ones before wandering over to the man's S-Car where Luffy and Usopp were currently digging around inside it.

"Hey, look! It's pretty roomy in there" Usopp remarked.

"What's this?" Luffy asked, pulling something out which caused me to quickly reel back as I was almost hit by the balls that were vigorously moving back and forth on each end of the thing he had pulled out.

"Watch it" I lightly scolded.

"Sorry" he widely smiled, not looking the least bit sorry at all.

"Ah! What do you think you're doing with that?!" Rice Rice quickly rushed over and took the strange contraption out of Luffy's hands as if afraid he'd break it. "Since you've clearly taken quite a liking to this item, I will happily introduce you to it—I'm sure you're familiar with the popular Buru Buru Blade, who isn't after all?" he asked, his smile instantly returning. "It is our company's top item and no doubt many of you owned the old model—this beauty right here is the new and improved version" he explained as he held the contraption out for us to get a closer look at it. "You see, we received feedback from our customers who are looking for a bit more variety from the product.

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