Chapter One Hundred and Twenty Eight [Rewritten]

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-Chapter One Hundred and Twenty-Eight-

"You are" Usopp answered.

"You both are—can it!" Nami growled, quick in shutting the two up before they could interrupt her any further. "Now, does anyone recall what Noland's Log said about the City of Gold?" she asked.

"I do!" Luffy quickly raised his hand. "It's a city of gold" he confidently answered.

"Great job, I never would have guessed that" I deadpanned before softly huffing a laugh when I saw the proud grin he now wore.

"You're such a dumbass—do you ever think before you talk?!" Usopp snapped as he glared, not the least bit amused with the rubber man's obvious answer.

"I think he wrote about the South Bird and a giant gold bell" Sanji said, this time giving a real answer. "Of course, there could be a lot more" he admitted with a shrug.

"The last thing he wrote in the Log before he died was something odd, it's something I can't figure out even after seeing the island" Robin said. "It says the City of Gold is in the skull's right eye" she said.

"That's it! Check it out!" Nami excitedly grinned, motioning us toward the table she had been working at earlier while we had been busy collecting supplies and maintaining the camp. "I matched up Robin's map of Jaya with the old Skypiea map that we found in the shipwreck. Of course, this isn't exact and they'll be some incorrect overlap, but when you match up the location of Cricket's house with the broken part up here..." she explained as she moved the pieces of paper around until finally, she matched the two together and held them up to reveal the completed map. "This is what Jaya looked like four hundred years ago!" she proudly proclaimed.

"It makes a skull!" I perked up, amazed by the unique shape of the island.

"Neat! A skull!" Luffy grinned.

"Whoa! It is a skull!" Chopper gaped in surprise.

"Well?" Nami asked, chest proudly puffing out as she seemed to almost wait for us to start praising her for this revelation she had made.

"Way to go, Nami!" Sanji praised, giving the navigator exactly what she wanted as her grin only grew.

"We did it!" Chopper happily cheered, now jumping around in eager excitement.

"Okay, but where in the skull's right eye?" Usopp suddenly asked, curiously wanting to know where exactly the treasure could be now that we had the full map to go off of.

"I'm thinking!" Nami pointed at a piece of land that was located in the middle of the skeleton's right eye. "It's the only structure that's actually inside the eye and no one's found it yet because of all the people who've tried, we're the ones who have both maps!" she grinned.

"We certainly lucked out" I whistled.

"Of course! We must be lucky pirates!" Usopp boasted with a grin.

"It kind of makes sense" Zoro hummed in agreement.

"Hidden treasure!" Luffy eagerly cheered.

"Treasure!" Chopper happily echoed right back.

"The only thing left to do is make our way to the skull's right eye" Nami said. "But since we can't leave the ship unguarded, tomorrow morning we'll split the crew into two teams" she quickly explained, making it clear to us what exactly she had in mind for tomorrow morning. "This is our time—on the upper side of this island weighs more gold than we've ever dreamed."


"Ah, now that's what I call gourmet" Luffy sighed in contentment once he was finished eating.

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