Chapter Sixty Three [Rewritten]

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-Chapter Sixty-Three-

"Wow" I whistled in amazement as I watched how the rubber man picked up and threw the iron spikes back at the Marine ships—sinking almost all of them in one go. "Great job" I praised.

"Okay, now we're ready" Luffy smiled as he dusted his hands off.

"Now's our chance, full speed ahead! Shake them off!" Zoro ordered the second he saw our chance to finally escape. Unfourtantly, due to a lack of wind, we had to row as fast as we could away from the remaining Marines that still gave chase...well, the men had to as Nami only blew a whistle in encouragement while I simply watched in amusement. 


"Looks like the Marines have stopped following us" Zoro grinned when he noticed that there weren't any more Marine ships following us.

"I don't think they care" I remarked, listening as the others depressingly groaned in response.

"But that's good news, we shook them off" Zoro argued, raising an eyebrow the minute he saw the sullen and almost pouty looks on everyone's faces. "Stop it—what's with the pathetic groans?" he scolded.

"I miss her!" they whined back in response.

"Yeah..." I couldn't help but sigh in agreement, also missing Vivi as I knew I would have enjoyed having her accompany us on the rest of our journey despite once again reminding myself of the responsibilities she had as a princess.

"That's enough whining—if you wanted her to join that bad, then you shouldn't have let her leave" Zoro frowned, crossing his arms.

"Ah! You savage!" Chopper gasped.

"Blockhead" Nami insulted.

"Idiot!" Sanji sneered.

"Three sword style..." Luffy grumbled.

"Saying "three sword style" isn't an insult, Luffy" Usopp frowned.

"Four sword style..." Luffy corrected himself.

"Yeah, that'll show him" I snorted.

"It's not the number that's the problem—an efficient insult must involve some personal detail about the recipient that's rude..." Usopp started to explain as I quickly lost interest and walked right over to the swordsman—lightly smacking his arm the minute I was standing beside him.

"That was rather harsh, what you said to them back there" I softly scolded, causing him to shrug as he mumbled a very unconvincing, "sorry," in response while rubbing his arm. "You could at least try to act like you're sorry" I sweat dropped.

"Looks like we've finally escaped the firing squad" a new and somewhat familiar voice suddenly piped up from behind followed by a door opening and closing.

"Yeah" Zoro agreed as if he hadn't yet realized that the person that hadn't spoken wasn't me nor anyone else on the crew.

"Eh?" I tilted my head.

"Excellent work" the new voice praised, causing everyone to flinch at the sudden realization that we had an intruder on the ship—an intruder who went by the simple name of Miss All Sunday we soon realized once we finally turned and caught sight of her.

"Here to avenge your friends? Just try it!" Zoro sneered as he quickly grabbed hold of his swords.

"What the hell are you doing here?!" Nami hissed, rubbing the back of her head after harshly hitting it on the underside of the railing after standing up too quickly from where she had been lying down.

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