Chapter One Hundred and Thirty Five [Rewritten]

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-Chapter One Hundred and Thirty-Five-

"That's an understatement—how'd you end up here?" Nami asked.

"I don't know, I just got stuck here and I can't get out" Luffy admitted with another loud sniff as if distraught that he still hadn't found an exit.

"Incredible, what is the chance that each of us was swallowed?" Nami asked, amazed by this sudden turn of events. "This snake's turning out to be a serious problem" she huffed.

"It was a problem before it swallowed us" I frowned, recalling how much of a nuisance the snake had been earlier during the fight with Wyper and Ohm.

"Huh? What do you mean swallowed?" Luffy frowned. "A snake?" he tilted his head, not quite following along with what the ginger was saying.

"Who do you think this stomach belongs to?" Nami asked.

"But how could you be here talking to me if you were swallowed by a giant snake?" Luffy blinked, still not following along.

"Luffy, sweetie, no" I said. Surely he couldn't be this dense.

"Like I said, a big old reptile with long white fangs—it ate us and now we're stuck in its belly!" Nami frowned, already getting annoyed with the rubber man as she harshly grabbed hold of his nose and pulled it out to a certain distance before finally letting go.

"Ow! Come on, Nami—that hurts!" Luffy snapped before laughing once he took one look at his stretched-out nose. "Hi, I'm Usopp" I snorted as he turned to me and did his best impression of the sharpshooter before his nose finally snapped back into place and went back to normal.

"You're such a dork" I smiled, shaking my head as he laughed.

"Is he...uh...a jester?" Aisa questioned, warily eyeing the captain.

"That job would suit him best..." Nami irritably grumbled as she crossed her arms and huffed.

"But he's actually our captain" I happily chirped, correcting the young girl in her assumption.

"He's your captain? My word, what's this world coming to?" Gan Fall asked, dumbfounded by this sudden revelation.

"Yeah, that's pretty much the reaction everyone has" Nami sighed.

"He's not that bad, just a little silly is all" I chuckled.

"You sure are calm for someone who's been eaten by a monster" Aisa suddenly pointed out.

"Wait a minute—I thought Nami was only joking!" Luffy shouted at the realization that we really were trapped inside the belly of a snake. "You mean we're being eaten by a snake?!" he cried out in a panic.

"Took you long enough" I sighed, crossing my arms before huffing a small smile.

"I've been trying to tell you—its stomach acid is melting your clothes!" Nami snapped as she pointed out Luffy's rugged appearance and the holes that had been eaten into his clothing.

"Whoa! You're right!" he gasped as if he had only just now noticed his disheveled appearance. "What are we waiting for? We need to find its butthole right away!" he urgently shouted.

"Couldn't we use its mouth or any other opening besides that one?!" I snapped, recoiling in disgust at such a suggestion.

"Ridiculous!" Gan Fall scoffed in bafflement.

"Despicable!" Nami snapped, slapping the raven-haired man across the face—disgusted with his idea of an escape plan just as much as the rest of us.

"Why? We could get out next time the snake goes to the bathroom" Luffy frowned in confusion, not quite understanding why we were so heavily against his idea.

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