Chapter One Hundred and Seventy Four [Rewritten]

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-Chapter One Hundred and Seventy-Four-

"Ah! It's so fast!" Luffy screamed as he went flying down the track, Chiqicheetah right behind him. "I won't let you win!" he angrily huffed once he finally noticed the man who now looked exactly like a cheetah—running on all fours and barely even using the skates on his feet at all by this point.

"Incredible! Moments ago, Straw Hat Luffy couldn't even stand on his skates—much less skate in them!" Itomimizu gaped at the captain's improvement. "And now he's neck to neck with Chiqicheetah who has powered up to double speed! Full task!" he proclaimed.

"Oh crap! I taught him how to stand and skate, but not how to turn!" Zoro suddenly realized when he saw that the captain was coming up to a turn.

"How do you forget to teach something like that, dummy?" I called over to him.

"Straw Hat Luffy has once again left the course, he is now disqualified from round three!" Itomimizu announced the minute the captain smashed right through the wall barrier and off the course.

"I knew it! He's hopeless!" Usopp despairingly wailed as he skated right past the hole that was created.

"The Speed King, Chiqicheetah, continues the race with a four-lap lead!" Itomimizu announced as the cheetah raced past the rest of us once again, now back to normal as if he saw no reason to go all out with such a massive lead.

"Long-Nose! Take my hand—hurry!" Robin urged, growing multiple arms from the palm of her hand and all the way over to the sharpshooter. Harshly did she fling him forward with all her might the minute he took her hand.

"Whoa! Nico Robin uses a long whip to keep her team in the race!" Itomimizu exclaimed. "Will it be enough to make up for lost time?" he pondered as the sharpshooter was finally able to shoot in front of Chiqicheetah for but a few seconds before the man turned back into an actual cheetah and surpassed him once again. "There it is, Chiqicheetah and his triple-speed rocket dash!" the announcer boasted.

"Hey, aren't you paying attention?! He left the course, dammit!" Sanji snapped the minute the cheetah jumped out of the course before using his tail to grab hold of the railing and pull himself back in.

"The air is safe! The air is safe!" the referee claimed, dismissing Sanji's complaint.

"Coach Sanji's angry complaint is overruled and shot down!" Itomimizu announced.

"I try not to struggle, girl—got it?" Jube questioned, sneaking up behind Robin and restraining her with his arms. "The more you wiggle around, the more tangled you'll become!" he mockingly laughed before raising an eyebrow when she suddenly sprouted multiple arms on his back and violently yanked his head backward with the intention of snapping his neck. "Fool! I'm an invertebrate, this is nothing to me!" he snorted with a grin.

"Nice work, Jube!" Foxy praised as he used his Slow Slow Beam on the older woman.

"It was nothing!" Jube laughed.

"Oh no! That freak took out Robin!" Sanji scowled.

"Hey, coach lame brain" Zoro frowned. "If we don't do something about that Chiqicheetah guy and quick, we're going to lose this race" he pointed out.

"You don't need to remind me! Wait—Chiqicheetah? Cheetah...that might just work..." Sanji muttered to himself before turning around to face the crowd of people watching in the stands. "Hey, you! The old guy with the horse—are you here?!" he shouted.

"You mean me?" the old man blinked, perking up from where he was seated in the stands.

"Yeah! Listen, that long kiwi you gave Luffy, where did you get that thing from?" Sanji asked.

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