Chapter Fifty Three [Rewritten]

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-Chapter Fifty-Three-

Skylar breathlessly chuckled at Nami's embarrassment before quietly groaning as she reached up and lightly touched the wound located on her chest.

It hurt.

It hurt like hell, and the amount of blood flowing from it was enough to stain the front of her shirt red. Her smile felt strained the longer she felt the stain grow, sluggishly getting bigger with each passing was mainly luck that the spike that had gone through her chest had been a thin one—not thick like the one that had torn through her shoulder. Despite how dangerous of a place it had struck her, she could only hope that by some miracle the internal damage wasn't as bad as it could have been if the spikes' placements had been reversed.

"Sometimes it summons rain clouds, other times it makes rainfall—it can even produce wind" Nami breathed, picking back up where she had left off on her little speech toward Miss Doublefinger. "But there's one more special technique of the Clima-Tact, and I'm going to unleash it for Vivi's sake" she leered, biting back a whimper when a jolt of pain suddenly shot through her bad leg the moment she took a step forward.

"Something a matter?" Miss Doublefinger mockingly grinned upon noticing the pained look on the navigator's face. "Oh dear, it seems that that left leg of yours is pretty injured, so much that I doubt you could run away—Sea Urchin Stinger!" her hair spiked up once more as she rushed the woman. Skylar painfully hissed, body jerking as she winced the second Nami lifted her foot and allowed it to be impaled by one of the assassin's spikes in an attempt to stop the woman in her tracks. Struggling to stand, she used the wall of the building behind her for support...only to quickly kneel back down and wrap her arms around herself.

"Fuck..." she quietly hissed, tightly clutching her shoulder as she curled into a ball. Her chest and shoulder both painfully started to throb, sending jolts of pain throughout her entire body to the point that moving seemed almost impossible. It felt difficult to breathe for a split second the moment she had tried to stand, her heart loudly thumping in her ears as her lungs constricted in agony, causing the wound on her chest to burn something fierce.

"This is nothing" Nami grounded out, doing her best to bite back the sobs that now welled up at the back of her throat. "It doesn't hurt at all—do you have any idea what kind of pain she's been going through?" she asked. "Compared to Vivi, it doesn't matter if I lose a foot or a leg or two or an arm, I don't care" her voice shook as she painfully ripped her foot away from the woman's spike.

"Quite the brave one when she needs to be..." Skylar quietly laughed, a small smile now gracing her lips after hearing what the ginger had said. Though she didn't disagree with her. Compared to Vivi, none of their pain could ever really compare to the suffering she's been having to deal with all alone these past few years—especially not now with her kingdom in peril.

"Now take this—Tornado Tempo!" Nami pointed her weapon right at Miss Doublefinger. Two windup doves on springs popped out of her Clima-Tact, causing the assassin to burst out into laughter that quickly died as soon as it started when the windup doves suddenly started to wrap themselves around her. "What? What? What? What?" the ginger frantically babbled in shock, not quite understanding what was happening.

"What have you done to me?!" Miss Doublefinger screamed along with Nami as she was violently twirled around before finally, she was shot straight through one of the walls of a nearby building—crashing all the way through to the other side.

"Well...that was certainly quite the finishing blow" Skylar grinned, groaning as she leaned back against the building behind her and shifted her weight while Nami dropped to her knees in shock. She snapped out of it quickly though with the shake of her head, loudly gasping as she frantically scrambled over toward the brunette and grabbed hold of her shoulders—doing her best to be mindful of the one that was wounded.

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