Chapter One Hundred and Eleven [Rewritten]

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-Chapter One Hundred and Eleven-

"Godland Skypiea" I read aloud, squinting my eyes just a little to make sure that I was reading that right.

"Godland? What is Godland Skypiea?" Robin asked.

"This isn't an exit—it's an entrance!" Luffy grinned just as the ship was forcibly thrown forward through the clouds and off of the lobster's back where it then proceeded to come crashing right back down onto another sea of clouds. "There it is! Sky Island!" the captain cheered, excitedly pointing towards the island that was now a little distance away from us.

"Wait, didn't the sign we pass say Skypiea?" Robin asked.

"I'm pretty sure it did" I hummed.

"Yeah" Nami nodded. "That's the same name scribbled on the map Luffy found, so I guess that galleon that fell on us actually did come here—the last time they set eyes on this place was 2,000 years ago, I'm amazed that this place has stayed beautiful for so long" she smiled as we sailed toward the island and docked.

"You can smell the adventure hooting in the seaweed and summer!" Luffy laughed as he quickly jumped off the ship and onto dry land.

"Wait for me—I like adventure!" Usopp shouted as he hastily scampered over the ship's railing and dived right off of the boat.

"Kind of shallow" Luffy giggled the minute the sharpshooter faceplanted into the clouds instead of splashing into them like he had thought he would. "Usopp, did you hurt yourself? Hello?" he asked when the sharpshooter didn't respond to him right away.

"Hey, is it just me, or is this whole place made of clouds?" Usopp questioned the minute he sat up.

"Big fluffy ones" Luffy grinned.

"Seems so" I laughed down to the two. "But I'd expect no less seeing how we're in the sky."

"I love this stuff" Usopp sighed in contentment before bursting out into a fit of laughter alongside the captain the second they exchanged glances.

"Come on, let's go explore!"


"Wow! Wait—I'm coming with you guys!" Chopper eagerly shouted as he quickly followed after the two that were now sprinting toward the shoreline. I huffed a smile at the sight, silently laughing at how childishly cute it was watching the reindeer chase after the two older teens.

"Me too! But I got to change first" Nami said, causing me to automatically peek down at my own clothing. Currently, I adorned a simple white tank top and jeans that were being held up with a belt—a simple and comfortable outfit that felt rather fitting for a place like this, so there was no need for me to really go and change. Casting a glance toward Nami, there wasn't even a reason for her to change as well as the clothes she currently wore looked rather appropriate...but then again, who was I to judge what she wanted to do? If she wanted to change then she was allowed to change.

"Luffy, we may have a problem with dropping anchor here—there's no seabed at the bottom of this cloud" Zoro pointed out, hesitating to drop anchor as he peered down at the cloud below us.

"You know, I thought about that and...who cares?" the rubber man smiled before he was playfully shoved by Usopp.

"I love the way you think" the sharpshooter grinned just as he was playfully pushed right back.

"Thanks!" the two started laughing as they now began to playfully bump into each other.

"Me too, I want to play too!" Chopper shouted as he ran around the two and tried to join in on the fun.

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