Chapter One Hundred and Thirty One [Rewritten]

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-Chapter One Hundred and Chapter Thirty-One-

"Oh..." Luffy quietly responded. "Run for it! It's a giant snake!" he screamed, his calm appearance now giving way to panic as we quickly scattered away from the gigantic blue reptile.

"It's enormous, I wonder if it's another result of the environment here" Robin curiously pondered as Chopper began to fearfully scream at the top of his lungs. Zoro was the first to skid to a stop, drawing his swords as he got into a fighting stance as if he really planned on facing this giant reptile head-on.

"He can't be serious..." I groaned, coming to a halt at a nearby tree and grabbing my swords as I now kept a watchful eye on both him and the snake—carefully watching their every move just in case things happened to go south.

"Okay, catfish face, it's time for you to get diced!" Zoro proclaimed but was quick to dive out of the way when the snake suddenly shot itself toward him. Once it had realized it had missed its prey, it soon changed its direction as it now quickly moved toward Luffy and Chopper who were quick to dodge it as well. "How in the hell can something so big move so freaking fast?!" the swordsman panted, climbing atop one of the trees as if believing that moving to higher ground would be a lot safer despite the reptile's massive size. Robin was quick to do the same as she used her Devil Fruit powers to climb up one of the trees closest to her.

"Oh boy..." I sighed as I hesitantly followed their lead and started to climb—I've climbed trees before but usually ones whose branches were still relatively low to the ground and safe to jump or climb off of without issue...the trees on this island though were nothing like the ones back home. "Seems like it might be poisonous" I remarked as I warily peered down at the snake that was now lashing out at everything it could see, my fingers clutching the trunk of the tree as I silently assured myself that due to the thickness of the branches, there was no way I'd slip off.

"You think so?" Robin asked.

"Yeah, pretty sure" I nodded, watching as the trunk of a nearby tree started to dissolve after being bitten by the snake.

"Ah! Acid!" Chopper cried out.

"Uh...change of plans, we're running away" Zoro said, deciding now that it was better to retreat than to even bother attempting to fight the snake.

"Sounds good" Robin nodded.

"I have no objections to that plan—better than being eaten alive" I agreed, preferring that we ran away instead of trying to go up against something so big and deadly.

"Yeah!" Luffy laughed as he too saw no problem in us booking it instead of continuing to stay here.

"Don't let the venom touch you—it's death!" Zoro shouted just as the tree that had been bitten finally fell over, its base—which had been eaten away by the acid—no longer strong enough to support the whole thing.

"Hey, mister snake—over here! Follow me! Better hurry up!" Luffy mockingly teased as he dangled from one of the trees to catch the snake's attention as if trying to use himself as a distraction so the rest of us could safely try and get away. "Your dinner's getting away!" he laughed before the snake's attention was suddenly drawn to Robin the minute it saw her moving from its peripheral vision.

"Robin, look out!" Chopper cried out.

"Be careful, it's heading your way!" I called over to her as the snake shot upwards...only to miss the minute the woman used her Devil Fruit powers to help her in moving to another tree that was a good distance away from where the snake was.

"Nice try" she grinned as she looked back at the overgrown reptile that seemed momentarily confused when it realized that it had somehow missed.

"That was awesome, Robin!" Chopper praised before squealing in fright when the snake suddenly noticed him. Quickly hiding, he ducked behind a tree as the overgrown reptile now let its gaze wander before eventually landing its sights on me.

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