Chapter One Hundred and Eighty One [Rewritten]

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-Chapter One Hundred and Eighty-One-

" seem to be getting along with them pretty well..." Usopp sweat dropped. "Well, almost...I think Skylar might be uncomfortable—can't tell from this distance" he admitted as he looked between the two women being flocked by the men of the opposing team.

"It figures, I never trusted that woman to begin with" Zoro scoffed, referring to Robin who seemed to be taking the attention she was getting with stride as he glared daggers at Jacob who was getting a bit too close to Skylar for his comfort. He could see the way the brunette shifted around in her spot, currently looking both irritated and uncomfortable the longer the man attempted to invade her personal space every time she backed away. Zoro couldn't help but grin a little when the brunette finally lashed out and smacked the man away, snapping at him to back up...though that grin soon fell when he noticed how the woman's violent action only seemed to spur the other man on—practically looking drunk off of her hit as he reeled back and continued his advances.

"What are you talking about? Skylar and Robin trust us to get them back, that's all...I think..." Nami weakly defended. She was certain that the brunette wanted to return to them, but with was harder to tell due to her calm exterior. But she was certain the older woman hadn't to be just as torn up as the rest of them about this sudden and unwanted separation, there was no way she could so easily adjust to joining another crew that quickly after everything they'd been through together since departing Alabasta.

"As always, Nami is right on the money—I'm going to give it everything I got in the next round and help win Robin and Skylar back for us!" Sanji proclaimed with complete and utter determination.

"Not as determined as Zoro is in getting Skylar back..." Nami muttered the second she caught sight of Zoro's expression.

"Let's get this next round going—let me at them!" Luffy impatiently shouted, ready to get the next game started and win his friends back.

"Luffy, you can't compete in the next round—you're in the third round, remember?" Nami scolded.

"Geez, just remember the rules already" Usopp rolled his eyes.

"Alright, I guess I'm on cheering duty then" Luffy firmly nodded, still just as eager to get through the next round even if he wasn't the one competing in it.

"With Robin and Skylar gone, that means there's only five of us in the next event" Chopper pointed out.

-Skylar's P.O.V-

"You look like you're enjoying yourself..." I quietly remarked, walking alongside Robin as we made our way to the next round's field.

"I see no point in stressing myself out—nothing is set and stone until the last game" she said.

"Yeah, I know...but still..." I mumbled, slowly nodding as we stopped at the cliffside the rest of the crowd was gathered around and stared down at the starting line where all the competitors were currently gathered and waiting for the round to officially start. There was a sickening sense of nostalgia in my stomach peering down this cliffside and seeing how high up we were—a familiar sight that brought back both good and uncomfortable memories as I quickly lifted my gaze and instead focused on the others who were currently stretching themselves out.

"Funny, you and the swordsman haven't been apart for that long and already you're acting like it's been forever" Robin chuckled as if she was amused that this temporary separation—at least I hope it was temporary—was already starting to have a strong effect on both Zoro and me the longer it dragged on.

"What? Pfft! No, we're both handling this pretty well" I nervously laughed with a dismissive wave as I looked down at the irritated swordsman, impatiently bouncing his leg and looking just about ready to blow a fuse if the round didn't start soon...

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