Chapter One Hundred and Thirty Three [Rewritten]

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-Chapter One Hundred and Thirty-Three-

"I'm sure you each feel what you have to say is important, but there's only one way for your voice to be heard—you must survive or find salvation" Ohm said, drawing his sword just as Zoro rolled his shoulders while I only sucked in a sharp breath of air. Still attempting to get over the painful ache in my back from where it had harshly smacked into the ground. No doubt it was going to be bruised by the end of this.

"Looks like the snake's back" I remarked when the giant snake from before suddenly burst its way through the clouds and up into the ruins.

"Yep" Zoro hummed in agreement, looking just a tad bit irritated with the overgrown reptile.

"Now, if you're ready, it's time to bring this to an end! The almighty Eneru had prophecies that you won't survive!" Ohm proclaimed.

"Oh yeah?" Zoro asked, raising an amused eyebrow.

"If only your hearts hadn't been tainted by greed—you might have lived longer" Ohm wistfully sighed, shaking his head as he looked at us with pity. "I'll grant you a few moments to repent my rendered judgment" he said.

"How kind of you" I deadpanned.

"Huh? So I guess that makes you one of those Priests that serves Eneru, huh?" Zoro scoffed. "I couldn't care less about him or his prophecies, the only thing preordain for me in this crazy place is taking the gold" he grinned.

"I'll forgive you of that sin as well" the Priest nodded as if he already knew the problematic reason for why we were here to begin with. "Your only salvation lies in a quick death, one that I can mercifully provide with my Ordeal of Iron—I'll save you."

"Save us?" I frowned. "Doesn't really sound like it if death seems to be the result either way" I narrowed my eyes, aware that salvation and death were two separate things. One does not gain salvation from death because one's sins are not automatically wiped and forgotten after death.

"High and mighty words for a bragger such as yourself" Gan Fall scoffed as he glared at the Priest.

"Let's go, Holy—be as ferocious as you want, boy!" Ohm ordered, climbing on top of the giant dog that I had only just now noticed and had been obediently standing off to the side this entire time as if patiently waiting for his owner to call for him.

"He's so cute..." I breathlessly breathed upon spying the canine, eyes sparkling with awe at the sight of his pristine fur and grumpy face.

"That one is our target, Pierre" Gan Fall said. "Since he is the most powerful, we must neutralize Eneru's Priest first" he reasoned.

"I'm getting really sick of you snake, I mean, how the hell did you get up here anyway?" Zoro scowled as he pointed his sword at the reptile—having only drawn one as he saw no reason to draw all three at the moment.

"It must be really hungry to have followed us all the way here" I said, drawing one of my swords as well.

"Well, I guess the four of you will just have to die together" the Guerrilla irritably huffed before he suddenly shot toward Zoro and me. Quickly did we jump to the side and dodge the attack. We were given very little time to rest before a bright light shined our way as dust now flew up and surrounded us. Ignoring it and not letting it distract us from the target at hand, I made sure that I stayed in view of the man—my sword pointed right at him while Zoro quietly slinked his way behind him.

"You need to work on your aim there, pal" Zoro said as I charged forward the minute the man looked behind him to face the swordsman, his attention now no longer on me. I was certain that I had stayed light on my feet and silent the entire time, but that was proven to be false the minute he turned around—his body quickly moving out of the way and dodging to the side as I slashed down at him.

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