Chapter Eighty Four [Rewritten]

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-Chapter Eighty-Four-

"Okay, I get it now—it's a mystery mist" Luffy concluded. "No matter which way you go, you just end up where you started!" he proudly grinned, puffing out his chest as he seemed almost pleased with himself for coming to such a conclusion.

"Yeah, that's it, a mystery mist..." Zoro and Usopp grumbled in irritation.

"I mean he's not exactly wrong, he just explained it in a way someone like him can best understand it" I chuckled, causing the captain's grin to widen as he happily laughed upon hearing my agreement.

"I have to disagree with you, I'm not quite certain that he understands it completely" Henzo disagreed.

"Well, we get the part about not being able to get out of here" Zoro said as I scooted to the side and allowed some room for Luffy to pull himself up onto the railing beside me.

"We don't really have to get out of here anyway, it's fun" Luffy smiled as he sat down, only for his head to be struck by both Zoro and Usopp.

"I believe they disagree with you, captain" I laughed, lightly bumping him with my shoulder.

"Seems so" he hummed, unfazed by the assault inflicted upon his skull as he rubbed the back of his head.

"We should join up with Rapanui and the others" Robin suggested, handing Luffy back his hat.

"With all those kids?" Zoro questioned.

"Don't you think the best way to get out of Ape's Concert is to ask the people who have been in here for so long and made it their territory?" Robin asked.

"Look at you, being all smart and sensible" I grinned.

"Well, that makes sense, but how are we supposed to find out where they all are?" Usopp asked.

"Shouldn't be that hard to find a bunch of kids, I mean we don't have much to work with other than broken-down ships" I said.

"Yeah, but that'd be too time-consuming" Usopp argued.

"We could ask that boy" Robin suggested, suddenly pointing toward one of the broken-down ships. "He's right over there."

"How did she find out where I was?" the young boy whined as he nervously peeked out at us for a moment before quickly hiding once again.

"Looks like he's scared..." I softly huffed a laugh, gaze softening upon spying just how nervous the child was upon realizing he'd been caught.

"It's no use hiding" Robin called out as she pushed the young boy out of his hiding spot and into full view. "Now, would you be a dear and take us to wherever your leader is hiding?" she politely smiled.


"Pukau!" Rapanui shouted the moment he caught sight of our ship sailing toward the wrecked Marine warship he and the others were seemingly using as a base.

"Oh, wow! That's a cool warship!" Luffy shouted, awing at the sight of the massive ship as he dangled upside down from one of the railings.

"It's a wrecked warship, isn't that right?" Robin asked as I silently stared at the rundown ship, a shiver racking up my spine as I quickly shook my head of any unpleasant thoughts that attempted to creep their way forward.

"Yes" Pakau nodded. "Right now it's what we've been using as our main hideout" he explained.

"I can see why you'd pick it—it's far more massive compared to the others" I remarked, noting how the warship seemed to just tower above the rest of the half-sunken and abandoned ships. Not only that, but it also appeared to still be in good condition compared to the rest as well with very few signs of damage to be seen.

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