Chapter One Hundred and Twenty Five [Rewritten]

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-Chapter One Hundred and Twenty-Five-

"Yeah...almost..." Nami panted, clearly beginning to run out of breath as she stood a couple of feet ahead of us. "Almost...just a few more steps..." she assured us as if that would motivate us to keep on moving forward.

"Do you mind telling me what you saw? Or at least shut up—ow!" Zoro grunted as I smacked the back of his head, heavily scolding him for his rude behavior.

"On second thought, I'm hearing more of a tide rolling in—you?" Robin asked as she suddenly looked toward Zoro and me.

"Yeah, it sounds like a charging army and some explosions thrown in for good measure" Zoro nodded in agreement just as the ground started to shake.

"Whoa!" I flinched, already losing my balance as I stumbled forward, only to quickly be caught by the swordsman beside me. "Thanks..." I muttered, blushing as he helped straighten me out before giving my lower back a comforting pat.

"No problem, klutz" he teasingly grinned, causing me to narrow my eyes and puff out my cheek. Owlishly blinking, we quickly turned our heads forward when we suddenly heard a loud giggle before hastily pulling away from one another when we saw the playful look on Nami's face as she eyed us.

"Don't start..." I embarrassingly muttered, crossing my arms as she softly chuckled.

"Anyways," Zoro cleared his throat, "with any luck, it's a distraction from what we're doing."

"Or they're attacking our friend" Robin suddenly suggested.

"Chopper?" Zoro questioned with a raised brow. "He's tough for being so fuzzy, when the time comes, he can handle himself" he waved as if attempting to dissuade us from getting too worked up with worry for the reindeer's safety.

"He's our tough little warrior" I softly smiled...though I couldn't help but look back in the direction of the ship in slight concern at the possibly thought that he was in danger. Surely whatever we were hearing had nothing to do with the reindeer...


"What about the others?" Robin inquired, an amused glint in her eyes.

"You mean Luffy?" Zoro asked.

"Luffy's not really known to sit still and just let people attack his crew" I reminded her.

"Exactly, and he's the one who wanted to come here to begin with" Zoro nodded.

"I don't know what this God has hidden out here, but I doubt he'll let our captain just walk through" Robin admitted.

"Between that, your theory, Nami's mental breakdown, and this other battle..." Zoro started.

"This whole thing has gotten more complicated" Robin finished for him.

"That's what I was going to say" he childishly huffed. "Anyways, our shipmates are used to being in trouble, so I'm not worried—getting bent out of shape because of things that haven't happened is a waste of time."

"Good point" Robin chuckled.

"We should probably catch up with Nami" I said the minute I took note of just how far ahead the navigator had gotten from the rest of us.

"What? Nami—wait, Nami!" Zoro shouted, already trying to get her to slow down or at least stop so that we could catch up.

"I wonder why she took off so fast" Robin pondered as we quickly went after our navigator.

"Figures—sees what she wants and she has no problem on her feet" Zoro huffed.

"Ain't that the truth, maybe she saw something valuable while up there in that tree" I jokingly chuckled.

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