Chapter One Hundred and Forty Three [Rewritten]

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-Chapter One Hundred and Forty-Three-

"No, you have to be treated right away!" Chopper scolded as he tried to treat Zoro's injuries.

"My wounds aren't that severe" the swordsman argued, not seeing why the doctor felt the desire to treat him first out of everyone else.

"Bullshit! You got hit by a lightning bolt!" I frowned, quick to shoot down his argument.

"So? You also got hit by lightning!" he quickly counteracted.

"Yeah, but I didn't get hit like a gillion times!"

"It wasn't a gillion times—you're overreacting!"

"It could have been, you don't know!"

"Alright you two, calm down" Usopp quickly interfered as he placed a hand on both of our shoulders.

"Really, I'm fine—that guy over there needs more help than me" Zoro waved, motioning toward Wyper and making it clear that out of everyone the doctor should be looking after, the Shandorian should be a top priority. "Look after him" Chopper looked at the fallen warrior before slowly nodding in understanding as he quickly scampered away. I only huffed, cheeks puffing out into a pout as I dropped to my knees in front of the swordsman with unshed tears while crossing my arms.

"You scared me..." I angrily grumbled before feeling my expression soften a little the longer I stared into his eyes and saw the gentle look he now wore.

"I guess we're even now" he smiled before opening his arms and engulfing me in a tight hug as I huffed—patting and rubbing my back in a comforting manner as I buried my face into the crook of his neck.

"You're such a jerk..." I mumbled, wrapping my arms around him as I grasped the back of his shirt.

"I know" he grinned, hand still rubbing up and down my back.

"It's true! His body's all worn out—he's dying!" Chopper suddenly cried the second he realized just how badly Wyper was hurt.

"Yeah, but he was trying to kill us—we don't owe him anything" Sanji said, not seeing a reason for the reindeer to get all worked up over the Shandorian's injuries.

"I know it doesn't make much sense, but he was going all out just like the rest of us" Zoro defended while watching how quick Aisa was to rush over toward Wyper's side.

"He's actually a pretty good guy" I softly smiled, finding it sweet how much the little girl worried over the safety of the warrior. "Besides, it'd be cruel to just let him die when he has so many people who care about him" I said, certain that the child probably wasn't the only one worried for the Guerrilla's life.

"He's a hero? Seriously?" Sanji raised an eyebrow in disbelief.

"Who knows?" Zoro shrugged.

Time quickly passed by as we patched each other up while Chopper dedicated his full attention to mainly treating Wyper.

"Help him, raccoon doggy!" Aisa begged.

"I'm a reindeer! Antlers—see?!" Chopper snapped before heaving a tired sigh. "Don't worry, he'll survive" he assured her while offering a gentle smile in the process.

"Thanks, reindeer!" she happily laughed, brightening at the reassurance that the warrior would live.

"I guess anything's possible—speaking of which, what do you think happened to Eneru and the bell?" Sanji curiously asked after he was caught up by the rest of us on all the things that he had missed.

"Don't know, I guess they must have crashed" Usopp shrugged.

"That's the only thing that sounds logical" I nodded while leaning against Zoro. "Knowing Luffy, he probably knocked him back pretty hard—I have my doubts that he'll be able to move anytime soon wherever he is" I hummed.

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