Chapter Fifty [Rewritten]

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-Chapter Fifty-

"That's right" Mr. One nodded, blocking one of Zoro's attacks with nothing but his arm which resulted in the sound of metal scraping against metal.

"You cut it, didn't you?" Zoro grinned. "With those arms, huh? You got a rather unusual body, don't you?" he asked, pulling away as he took notice of the way the man's arm now shimmered like steel.

"You're not hurt, are you?" I asked Nami, worriedly looking her over as she finally released her tight grip on my robe and pulled away.

"No, just a little shaken up—that was a close one" she shuddered.

"Yeah, imagine the pain you would have been in if Zoro hadn't intervened as quickly as he did" I nodded.

"Don't say stuff like that! Just thinking about is starting to make me shake again!" she cried out.

", actually, you wouldn't be in too much pain" I quickly corrected myself after a moment's thought. "It would have probably been a quick death" I pondered.

"Stop it!" she snapped, harshly smacking the back of my head as I poorly tried to defend myself.

"You noticed that I ate the Dice Dice Fruit, making blades from my entire body" Mr. One explained, catching our attention. "You're him, the swordsman who supposedly cut down a hundred men in Whisky Peak" he remarked as he only just now recognized Zoro.

"He's also the pirate that turned down the invitation to join Baroque Works years ago at East Blue" Miss Doublefinger added, gently swaying her hips from side to side. "And cut down Mr. Seven at the time."

"That was you too?" Mr. One asked.

"Damn, you've been busy since I've last seen you..." I breathed out.

"What was that?" Nami blinked.

"What was what?" I asked in feigned confusion.

"Didn't you say something?" she questioned.

"No, didn't you?" I shot right back, tilting my head.

"What?" she frowned, slowly growing confused as she turned away to think about what I had just said.

"Ha! That's a story that takes me back—that little misunderstanding was your Mr. Seven's fault for not accepting the terms I offered" Zoro grinned. "As I remembered it, I made him a very generous proposition. I said: sure, I'll join, as long as you make me your boss" he cockily told them, causing Miss Doublefinger to laugh.

"You're quite the comedian, aren't you?" she asked in amusement.

"Instead of meeting my terms, he rather rudely took a slash at me. So, naturally, I put him in his place—now would you like to invite me too?" Zoro asked. "Because right now, you guys look so ridiculous, I wouldn't even accept the job" he scoffed, his insult seemingly enraging Mr. One who was rather quick to take a slash at him which he easily blocked.

"You think you can make a fool out of me?" Mr. One leered. "You, some swordsman from an upstart pirate crew."

"Maybe I am, but what do you think you guys are?" Zoro asked. "Puppets with no will of your own, being manipulated by Crocodile into building his fake Utopia...or maybe you're all just little tin soldiers" he mocked as they pulled away from one another. "All shine and no steel" he grinned.

"Miss Doublefinger" Mr. One calmly said.

"I know, I know, you want to eliminate him—don't you?" his partner smiled. "You do as you please, I'll take care of the girls" she said, dismissively waving her hand as she turned away from the men.

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