Chapter One Hundred and Forty Five [Rewritten]

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-Chapter One Hundred and Forty-Five-

"Zoro, did you see me take care of them back there?!" Usopp excitedly laughed, running beside the swordsman and me.

"Yeah, not bad" Zoro grinned.

"I'll admit, you did good out there" I chuckled, smiling as I watched how the sharpshooter proudly puffed out his chest—pleased with the praise he had gotten for his bravery even if I did think we were all overreacting and jumping to irrational conclusions.

"Hey, Robin, better hurry up!" Sanji cooed as he wildly waved back at the woman behind us.

"Don't stop until we reach Cloud End!" Luffy ordered.

"Hooray!" we cheered.

"Sanji, did we lose them?" Usopp asked as we rushed downhill toward where the ship was docked.

"Looks like they gave up, I don't see anyone" Sanji answered the minute he peered back and found that no one was following behind us.

"Really? Well, that's good" Usopp sighed in relief. "To be honest, their giant cannon really scared me—where were they hiding that thing, and how come they didn't use it against Eneru?" he frowned.

"Their cannon?" Robin inquired, raising an amused eyebrow.

"Yeah, you know? That huge thing the warriors were carrying toward us—didn't you see it?" Usopp asked, causing the older woman to chuckle.

"Though I still have my doubts it was actually a cannon, how could you not have seen it?" I asked. "It was huge and they were carrying it right behind you whatever it was."

"Oh, you mean that thing" Robin smiled.

"Yeah, "that thing," what's wrong with you? It's not funny—why do you think we're running?!" Usopp angrily snapped the minute he heard the amusement in the archeologist's voice.

"Yeah, Robin, Usopp's right" Chopper frowned. "Don't laugh, alright" he softly scolded.

"We made it! There's Nami and Conis!" Luffy cheered as we finally started to near the ship.

"Where?! Nami and Conis!" Sanji excitedly shouted, quick to turn his gaze forward in an attempt to spot the other two women...only to immediately ram into a low-hanging branch the minute he did so.

"Ow! That must have hurt" I winced, cringing back just a little at the thought of how painful that must have been for the blond.

"Are you alright?" Robin asked.

"Oh, yeah" Sanji smiled as he quickly shot back up and acted as if he didn't just ram face-first into a tree branch.


"Okay, we're almost there" Conis assured us, serving as our temporary guide as she led us through the sea of clouds and toward Cloud End. "Everyone, see that up ahead? That's Cloud End" she pointed, motioning toward the towering gates that now awaited us up ahead.

"Whoa! Let me see!" Usopp awed as he leaned over the ship's railing in an attempt to get a closer look at the gates.

"Huh? So that's where we go back down from?" Luffy questioned, tilting his head.

"We got here sooner than I thought" Usopp admitted, not expecting to reach this place so soon.

"I'm so glad we're finally going to get to go home—Skypiea's nice and all, but I miss our ocean" I softly smiled, pleased to go back down to the ground below and be able to see our beautiful blue ocean once again.

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