Chapter One Hundred and Fifty Three [Rewritten]

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-Chapter One Hundred and Fifty-Three-

"It's too bad we'd have to leave the gold behind, but our lives are more important" Usopp sighed.

"I'm sure all but one or two of us can agree on that statement" I hummed, boredly playing with a loose strand of thread on my clothes as I leaned back against the wall behind me. Thankfully I had been able to finally switch that nurse's dress out for a skull and crossbones tank top and a pair of black bell bottoms that draped over my feet and hid the sandals I wore.

"You're the captain, Luffy—what do you think?" Chopper curiously asked.

"We need to get our gold, but I need to get something to eat first" Luffy answered.

"I heard ya—give me a sec and I'll whip something up..." Sanji grumbled, dismissively waving off our captain as he stood.

"Um...the storeroom looked kind of empty" Usopp pointed out.

"There's got to be something left to eat around here" Sanji said, ignoring the sharpshooter as he started to look around inside the refrigerator.

"Just so I understand you correctly, you guys are okay with us leaving this place without our gold?" Nami frowned as we nodded. "Well, that's too bad...cause you know, pirate treasure is always divided up—even after splitting up the loot, we'd all have more gold than we'd know what to do with it" she grinned as she tried to tempt us into changing our minds. "Just think of all the stuff we could have bought."

"Hey, wait! I want to go and buy some stuff!" Usopp shouted, quick to perk up to the idea of being able to buy whatever he wanted.

"Like what?" Nami curiously asked.

"I'll tell you what I want to buy—a big gold statue!" Luffy grinned, quick to raise his hand in an attempt to catch everyone's attention.

"Weren't you saying you wanted a bronze one last time?" I questioned, raising an eyebrow.

"I changed my mind, I want it gold now" he laughed.

"Oh! Nami, over here! I want to buy a bunch of new medical books—ones that'll teach me all the latest medical procedures and operations!" Chopper excitedly exclaimed, cutely waving his hoof in the air in an attempt to catch the ginger's attention.

"New pots, frying pans, silverware, giant! Even after all that, there'd still be a lot leftover!" Sanji grinned as he counted off everything he wished to buy. I couldn't help but giggle upon hearing the word "mousetraps," already knowing who those were for.

"I could buy lots of booze" Zoro grinned.

"Or pay off your debt to Nami" I teased, laughing when my head was lightly shoved.

"Oh yeah? What would you buy?" he asked.

"Don't know" I shrugged. "I guess sweets?" I eventually hummed after a moment of thought

"Sweets? Why sweets?" Usopp blinked, curiously tilting his head.

"They were always such a rarity growing up and back on the island, I never could afford any since the money we made working at the restaurant always went toward either groceries or other such necessities" I explained. "It would be nice to finally self-indulge in the treats I rarely get to try" I concluded, stomach growling a little at the thought of being able to try all the fancy sweets I'd catch others buying.

"Skylar, I'll make you as many sweets as you want!" Sanji cooed, causing me to chuckle.

"That's sweet of you, but you really don't have to do that" I dismissively waved, not comfortable in asking the blond to do such a thing—he already did enough of that for us girls on his own. It wouldn't be right to put more work on him by personally asking him to indulge my sweet tooth. "Other than that, I'd probably just buy more books like Chopper" I said.

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