Chapter One Hundred and Thirty Nine [Rewritten]

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-Chapter One Hundred and Thirty-Nine-

Eneru stopped in his advances toward the ginger, suddenly turning to look back toward the Shandorian warrior who shakily stumbled back up onto his feet.

'Unreal! Even as hurt as he is, he still intends to fight!' Nami gaped in shock as she peered up at the Guerrilla in awe.

"What do you hope to prove?" Eneru asked. "You're going to die anyway, why not make it easy on yourself? Did you say it's been four hundred years? For all that time, you and the Shandorians have been fighting to take back your homeland, and yet you are the only warrior who's managed to make it here?" he questioned, probing the man for answers. "No wonder this nation will soon fall to the Blue Sea and be lost for all eternity" he scoffed, raising an eyebrow as he watched how the warrior slowly began to limp forward.

'How could he do that?' Nami watched as Wyper stumbled forward—quick in catching himself every time gravity started to drag his body downward.

"You're fighting for a lost cause—can't you see that you'll never regain your homeland? So why get back up?" Eneru asked, clearly starting to become annoyed with the Shandorian.

'He's unstoppable' Nami couldn't help but think, watching how the warrior continued forward despite struggling to keep his balance as his body continued to sway while he dragged his feet.

"For my ancestors..." Wyper grunted, not bothering to elaborate any further as if that simple answer explained everything.

"I must confess, I was hoping for a better answer than that" Eneru sighed in disappointment. "But then again, I doubt that you're completely conscious" he said, deciding not to hold the warrior's weak answer against him.

"Look out!" Nami cried out in panic the minute she saw that the blond was preparing to strike the man down once again.

"El Thor..." Eneru wasted no time in sending just a single bolt of lightning down onto Wyper—the attack strong enough to send debris and dust flying around as the impact sent a harsh shockwave throughout the area which caused Nami to tumble right over. What few ruins were still intact soon went tumbling down as the hat that Robin had been wearing earlier was swept away while strands of Skylar's hair were blown about. With deep shaky breaths, Nami hesitantly sat back up and began to assess the damage that had been done—her eyes quick to move from the giant hole in the ground to her unconscious friends. "Of all that stood before me, you are the only one left" she jolted at the blonde's remark as he now peered down at her in both amusement and curiosity as if he hadn't expected her of all people to be the sole survivor.

"I—just hear me out!" Nami frantically cried out as she shakily looked behind her as if gauging whether she'd be able to run away without the risk of being struck down. Eneru only stared, patiently waiting to hear what it was she felt the desperate need to say. "I've always wanted to go to the Endless Vearth—to your dream world!" she nervously laughed as she found herself saying whatever it was she need to say to save herself. "Can I come with you...?" she was automatically relieved when the man seemed to believe her lies as he nodded, now patiently waiting for her to gather whatever she needed before they left. Dragging her Sky Waver beside her, she couldn't help but stop right beside Wyper's body—bending down to wipe away the stray tears that she saw leaking from his eyes.

"What's the matter?" Eneru asked, stopping to look back at the stalling navigator when he saw that she was no longer following him. "Are you having second thoughts?" he asked.

"I haven't changed my mind—I'm coming, hold on!" Nami quickly called over to him as she climbed into her waver and began to follow.

"That thing? Are you sure you want to bring it along?" Eneru inquired, curiously eyeing the waver as if he couldn't see what was so important about it that the young woman wished to bring it along with her.

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