Chapter One Hundred and Forty Six [Rewritten]

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-Chapter One Hundred and Forty-Six-

"Why bronze?" I asked, stopping what I was doing for just a moment so that I could peer back at the captain with a raised eyebrow.

"Moron, only an idiot would exchange gold for bronze" Usopp frowned. "How stupid," he scoffed, "what we need are more cannons—ten of them! Ten!" he grinned.

"How is that any better of a buy?" I asked.

"Because cannons are more useful than a bronze statue" he defended as he crossed his arms. I couldn't really argue with him there, we could indeed find more uses for a cannon than we could for a bronze statue. But I still felt he was overkilling it with wanting ten of them, especially with a ship this small—where would we even put them?

"Nami! I want to buy a fridge with a lock!" Sanji called out to the navigator who was hovering near the entrance of the kitchen, silently watching as the men seemed to crowd around the gold.

"Ah! If you get one with a lock, there'll be no way for me to get a midnight snack!" Luffy whined as Chopper started to hop around, wildly waving his arms as if attempting to try and get the navigator's attention.

"That's exactly why I want one, you pig!" Sanji snapped.

"How tragic—perhaps you should ask for extra meals to make up for the loss" I grinned.

"That's a great idea! You're a genius, Skylar!" Luffy gasped before turning back around. "Sanji—"

"No!" Sanji scowled before turning into a lovesick puppy the second he felt Nami touch his arm as if she was silently telling him to settle down and not start any fights.

"Could you guys just hold on a second?" she asked. "We need to land first, then we can divide up the treasure."

"Please, buy more books!" Chopper suddenly exclaimed as he finally climbed up onto the railing in a desperate attempt to get the ginger to listen. Nami only grabbed his face in an attempt to silence him.

"That sounds nice, we could always use some more books on this ship" I hummed in agreement to Chopper's request, feeling that it'd be nice to have some new reading material to look through on this boat.

"If we buy everything you guys want, we're going to be broke again in no time!" Nami frowned, tightening her hold on the reindeer's face as if that would help emphasize her point.

"Miss Navigator, the ship, where is it heading exactly?" Robin suddenly asked.

"Where else? The next island, of course" Nami answered as if it was obvious before slowly trailing her gaze down toward the Log Pose on her wrist. Her eyes soon widened as a frustrated scream slipped past her lips.

"You okay?" Usopp asked, flinching as we quickly gathered around to make sure she was alright.

"What's wrong?" Luffy asked.

"Need a hug, Nami?" Sanji offered.

"I don't think that'll make her feel better, Sanji" I sweat dropped.

"Dammit! We've been blown off course!" Nami shouted in distress. "We must have hit an air current!" she quickly theorized after a moment's thought, already explaining away what could have happened.

"Well, I definitely feel a breeze" Sanji remarked.

"Is that a bad thing?" Luffy asked, looking around in confusion as if he didn't understand what exactly was bothering the navigator about this new dilemma of ours.

"I would assume that it is or else she wouldn't be freaking out" I nodded.

"Of course, it is! Now we have no idea where we are or where we're going to land!" Nami angrily snapped. "And with the octopus up there, we can't set the sails or control the ship! What are we going to do?!" she stressed.

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