Chapter One Hundred and Thirty Seven [Rewritten]

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-Chapter One Hundred and Thirty-Seven-

"The one thing I know is that God's Prophecy will never falter because he is absolute" Eneru grinned. "I'm curious to see how this person is going to die—will you fight? Will you all fight each other? Will you gang up on one of the weaker ones?" he pondered aloud. "Of course, you could all resist your fates and force me to pick" he concluded with a shrug as if he didn't really care which decision we went with in the end.

"What do you want to do, Robin? Skylar?" Zoro asked.

"I'm not going to kill anyone" Robin said, crossing her arms.

"Yeah, I'm not participating in this sicko's game either" I shook my head.

"I won't either" Zoro nodded as he came to the same decision, seeing no reason to participate in this weirdo's twisted game.

"I won't compete in your sick game!" Wyper hatefully sneered, glaring at the blond seated before us.

"And I too refuse to take part!" Gan Fall scowled as we all finally peered back at Nami as if expecting her to give an answer as well—waiting to see if she'd be like the rest of us and refuse to play along.

"Why do you got to drag me into this?!" she angrily snapped, clearly not liking the sudden attention.

"You're the only one dying today!" we boldly proclaimed as we pointed our weapons toward Eneru.

"Insolent fools!" he laughed in response like the mere act of us daring to defy him was the funniest thing he'd ever seen. "You dare to threaten me? Listen to yourselves! I must admit, I'm quite impressed, but you have no idea what you're up against" he grinned as a spark of electricity shot around him. "Even the five of you together don't stand a chance against me—you cannot comprehend the existence of my powers and what I'm truly capable of.

"Look at you! An elderly buffoon wanting peace, a warrior who single-mindedly wants his homeland, and thieves from the Blue Sea whose only concern is treasure" he scoffed. "All of you, for one reason or another, seek to save the wretched place called Skypiea. But you cannot because this nation is fundamentally flawed" he frowned.

"I refuse to just stand here and listen to such nonsense! Now tell me where the Divine Warriors are!" Gan Fall angrily demanded as he pointed his spear at Eneru, growing more and more impatient with the man the longer he spoke. "And what exactly is your goal here today?!" he glared.

"Why, an ascension, my old friend" Eneru simply answered.

"What do you mean?" Gan Fall narrowed his eyes in suspicion, not quite following along with what the blond meant.

"That's right, I will soon leave this dreadful wasteland—on the island where I grew up there were legends of a place regarded as God's Home" Eneru started to explain. "People call this place Endless Vearth, and there the ground extends as far as the eye can see in all directions. It's my dream to find this place, this paradise—Endless Vearth, a home fit for a God" his grin only seemed to grow the longer he thought about this paradise of his. "My time spent here battling over the incomprehensible lands of the Upper Yard has been nothing but a petite triviality. Listen to me, I tell you this place that you cherish is an abomination!

"Consider this—it was born in the sky, but it's not a cloud. It lives in the sky, though it is not a bird" he ranted as he struck the Cloud Ball he was on and popped it. "This nation that which exists in the sky is an utterly unnatural one! When we die, we all return to the Earth's soil, but here there is none" he continued.

"What exactly are you getting at?" Gan Fall frowned as the wind around us started to blow something fierce. Static temporarily surround Eneru and made him practically glow before it finally died down.

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