-Chapter Twenty-
"Oh, I don't believe it—I found Luffy" Nami huffed.
"You sure?" Zoro asked.
"Why wouldn't she be?" I asked. "You think she can't recognize our own captain or something?" I questioned.
"Yeah, that stupid mug is defiantly his..." Sanji grumbled, answering for the navigator. "Uh-oh."
"Hey, guys!" I winced as Luffy rocketed towards us, smashing headfirst into both Chopper and Sanji in the process as he did so.
"Sanji! Tony! Are you alright?" Vivi worriedly asked, quick to rush to the two's side.
"Oh, Luffy's back" Usopp remarked upon noticing the captain.
"Yeah, the hard way..." Zoro muttered as he rubbed his face in irritation.
"He certainly knows how to make quite the entrance" I giggled, giving Zoro's arm a comforting pat.
"Sorry about that, guys, my bad" Luffy laughed, not really looking all that sorry.
"Yeah, you're sorry alright—the sorriest excuse for a captain that ever sailed the sea, you moron!" Sanji sneered as he harshly grabbed the captain's shirt and violently began to shake him.
"Dammit! You have any idea how much trouble you put us in—can't you at least try and act like a captain sometimes?" Nami growled.
"Could he even actually be able to attempt something like that?" I asked, before awkwardly rubbing the back of my head when I realized just how mean that sounded. I'm sure he's capable of acting like a serious captain if he put his mind to it.
"I'm sorry" Luffy apologized once again, still not looking the least bit apologetic. "Oh, that's right—where's Ace?" he asked, quickly standing and scrambling towards the ship's railing where he began to scan the land we were sailing parallel across.
"Ace?" Sanji questioned.
"You were with your brother, huh?" Zoro assumed as he crossed his arms.
"Wait a minute—you didn't just leave him, did you?" Usopp asked.
"How very rude of you" I playfully scolded with a smile that only grew upon hearing the captain's laugh.
"Um...sort of, but don't worry, Ace is really strong" he assured us.
"So, how strong is he?" Chopper curiously asked.
"Well, let me put it like this," Luffy hummed in thought, "when we were younger, I was never able to beat him in a fight and this was way back in the days before he ate the Flame Flame Fruit" he answered. "That's how strong my big brother is."
"You mean there's a flesh and blood person you couldn't beat?" Nami gaped.
"Big brother of a monster is an even bigger monster" Usopp shivered.
"Wow" I whistled before grinning as I was suddenly reminded of the times Sora and I would play fight with Cloud, always working together to wrestle him to the ground yet never succeeding as he would effortlessly drag us along. Ignoring our presence as if we weren't even there.
"I guess so 'cause Ace used to beat me up all the time, but I bet now I could kick his big butt" Luffy boasted with a cocky grin.
"I'd like to see you try and back that claim up" Zoro said.
"I bet a fight like that would be entertaining to watch no matter who the winner is" I laughed.
"So, exactly whose butt is getting kicked?" Ace asked, his sudden appearance startling the captain and knocking him back onto his bottom.

One Piece (Love Story) [Part One]
FanficContains Chapters: 1 - 200 Summary: For years Skylar's been haunted with the memories of her past, unable to let it all go and move on. All hope seems to be lost for her until the day she meets the Straw Hats, can they help her pick up the pieces an...