Chapter One Hundred and Ninety Six [Rewritten]

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-Chapter One Hundred and Ninety-Six-

"I didn't join your crew until after you left Alabasta, sorry" Robin apologized. "I couldn't tell you what happened before that, Miss Swordswoman?" she questioned, looking to me as if I would have the answers the captain sought.

"I joined up with you guys right before we entered the Grand Line...but the only adventures I remember clearly is our time spent in Laboon and at Whisky Peak" I said, briefly discussing with them the adventures we had shared that I clearly remembered before reaching Alabasta. "We headed to Little Garden after, but...due to injuries...I can't really tell you everything that happened from our time spent on Little Garden to the moment we arrived at Drum Island and met Chopper" I sheepishly admitted as I bashfully scratched my cheek as if embarrassed.

"Due to injuries?" Sanji worriedly frowned.

"It wasn't anything serious, know...second-degree sunburns and possibly a few fractures due to a series of upclose explosions..." I awkwardly muttered, avoiding all eye contact as I turned my head and sipped at my drink. "But really, it wasn't anything serious—and, as you can see, I'm perfectly fine now" I smiled, waving away any concern they may have.

"Aw man, that sucks!" Luffy pouted once he realized that Robin and I have no more stories to share. "Wait, did we really adventure inside a giant whale?" he perked up, excitedly bouncing once he fully registered what I had told him.

"Yeah, you even made friends with him" I grinned, chuckling at the way he instantly brightened as he seemed to almost cheer in excitement at the revelation that not only did he get to traverse inside the belly of a whale, but was able to also befriend him as well.

"So, Robin, Skylar—can you tell us about yesterday?" Sanji suddenly asked, now moving the conversation along once he realized that we had no more past adventures to share. "Before any of this happened" he clarified.

"Sure" Robin nodded.

"I don't see why not" I shrugged.

"But let's include the ship's doctor" Robin suggested, using her Devil Fruit powers to open the kitchen door and causing Chopper to come tumbling inside. "You're still doing it backward" she remarked when the reindeer attempted to hide behind the door.

"Shut up! I'll do it how I want!" Chopper embarrassingly snapped while correcting himself, blushing as I softly chuckled.

"You got to be hungry, why don't you sit down and eat?" Sanji offered as the reindeer cautiously backed away/

"Oh, come on—do I look stupid to you?! You really think I'm going to fall for something like that?!" Chopper snapped, infuriated that the blond thought he'd be dumb enough to sit down with us after the way he and Luffy had talked about wanting to cook him up and eat him.

"This conversation is nothing without your voice" Robin smiled.

"She's right, won't you please come join us?" I sweetly asked, patting the open spot between us.

"We need your brilliant input" we grinned, knowing damn well that by complimenting him, he'd be more willing to join in on our conversation.

"You dummies! You're not going to win me over by flattering me, okay?" Chopper giddily laughed as he eagerly took a seat right between us.

"We know" I smiled, patting the top of his head which only made him giggle more.

"You sure about that?" Luffy and Usopp sweat dropped.

"We followed the coordinates to this area of the sea" Robin started as she retold the story of what had happened the day before. "And after that, everyone went to bed—I stayed up doing research and the swordsman was on watch" she concluded, telling them all that she personally knew.

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