-Chapter One Hundred and Nineteen-
"I think we better take her advice" Nami firmly nodded, quick to agree with the advice the blonde angel had given us. "When I was on the waver, I saw it for myself—an island filled with monsters" she confessed with a shiver.
"Great, you did exactly what everyone was hoping you wouldn't do" Zoro frowned.
"Well, she didn't know that that place was forbidden, so you can't get mad at her" I said in Nami's defense, not feeling it right to get mad with someone who was unaware and didn't have all the information presented to them in advance. "Besides, you know that's a lie—there's one person who we all know was hoping she went there" I corrected as our gazes drifted towards the captain.
"You mean the place we were told not to ever set foot on?" Luffy eagerly asked, now shining brighter than the sun. "There are monsters?" he grinned, already starting to bounce in place with barely contained excitement.
"Whoa! Don't give him any ideas!" Usopp cried out as he and Chopper tackled the captain to the ground and covered his ears as if that would do anything.
"It's nothing to get excited about, Luffy—the last thing we need is to get involved in this!" Nami scolded. "Regardless, we're leaving now—let's go!" she firmly ordered, leaving no real room for argument.
"Oh, it will break my heart to be away from Conis!" Sanji dramatically proclaimed. "But if that's what Nami wants, so be it!" he swooned.
"Yeah, you looked really heartbroken there..." I sweat dropped upon seeing how quickly his mood changed as he switched from being heartbroken to fawning over the ginger once more in mere seconds.
"If we stick around any longer, Conis and Pagaya might get in trouble because of us!" Nami huffed as she tried to reason with us...well mainly she tried to reason with Luffy as he was the only one that clearly disagreed with the idea of just leaving.
"That's true, those White Berets will charge them as our accomplices—if we can escape now on our own then it couldn't cause them any trouble, right?" Usopp asked. "After all, how can they be helping us when they're with that captain? Okay, that's the plan—let's go!" he nodded, already sounding as if he was trying to hype himself up after convincing himself that the two would be just fine if we all left here and now.
"Yeah, it probably would be better for everyone if we left now" I agreed.
"Luffy, what are you doing?" Nami frowned as she quickly turned around and looked back at the captain who made no attempts to follow the rest of us back to the ship.
"Something a matter?" I inquired with a raised eyebrow.
"Why are we running away?" he suddenly asked.
"Because we're in trouble" Nami calmly answered.
"So what? We're always in trouble" he shot back with a casual shrug, not seeing how this time around was any different compared to the previous times we've been in trouble with a higher authority.
"It's not just us anymore—if we don't leave, Conis and Pagaya could get arrested too!" Nami argued.
"But they haven't done anything, whoever arrests them is an idiot" Luffy frowned.
"I know that, but..." Nami trailed off with a frown as she didn't really know how to explain all of this to Luffy in a way that would help him understand better why she was wanting us to all leave.
"Can't you two argue on the boat? Come on!" Usopp impatiently called down to them from the ship.
"How many times do I have to tell you? Staying here equals more trouble for everybody!" Nami scowled, clearly growing more and more irritated with the captain the longer he stood there unmoving.

One Piece (Love Story) [Part One]
FanfictionContains Chapters: 1 - 200 Summary: For years Skylar's been haunted with the memories of her past, unable to let it all go and move on. All hope seems to be lost for her until the day she meets the Straw Hats, can they help her pick up the pieces an...