Chapter Six [Rewritten]

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-Chapter Six-

"Yeah" I said, nodding as I peered down at my chest before looking back up at the two men. "Yeah, I'm pretty sure I'm a woman" I continued nodding before my lips twitched upwards as I straightened my back and gave a slight bow with some difficulties. "Here, let me reintroduce myself—I'm Skylar Strife, and it's a pleasure to meet you all" I said, mentally cursing myself for letting that dreadful last name of mine slip through my lips.

"When exactly did you plan on telling us this?" Nami asked as she crossed her arms.

"Someday" I shrugged.

"Why were you dressing up like a guy?" Luffy questioned with the tilt his head and I couldn't blame him for being confused seeing how I didn't really have any real reasons to keep up the charade as long as I did.


"Do you plan on telling us these reasons?" Nami butted in, raising a curious eyebrow.

"Someday, but not right now" I shrugged with a dismissive wave of my hand as if I really didn't want to bother explaining myself.

"Alright" Luffy smiled, seemingly just accepting my answer as Nami only gave a quiet huff in response.

"Oh right, here" she soon said as if suddenly remembering something important as she tossed something towards me without too much of a warning. Catching it, I discovered that it was only my chest binder that she had given me.

"Thanks, but I don't really need it anymore now that the cat's out of the bag" I said, setting the article of clothing down on a table nearby before owlishly blinking when I suddenly felt one of my hands being taken in a gentle grip as Sanji now kneeled before me.

"I do sincerely apologize for my rude behavior towards you during your stay with us, mademoiselle" he apologized, now wearing that same charming smile that he always wore for Nami as his cheeks soon flushed the moment he looked up at me, his eye already nothing more than a mere heart by this point as a dribble of blood leaked from his nose...

Oh...that's right...I forgot I wasn't wearing a shirt...

"Here, cover yourself up, it isn't proper for a lady to be exposed when men present" the old woman suddenly said just as something soft hit the side of my head. Pulling my hand away from Sanji's grip, I pulled the shirt and jacket that had been thrown at me off my head and saw that it was the same ones I had been wearing earlier on the ship. Looking towards the old woman, I sweat dropped the moment I took notice of the belly shirt she was currently wearing.

"Look who's talking..." I mumbled as I slipped the shirt on over my head, deciding to just leave the jacket off for now.

"What was that, girlie?" she asked, an underlying warning to her tone as she crossed his arms.

"Nothing" I chirped out before finally directing my attention toward the strange reindeer. "So—" I didn't even get the chance to utter out a single word before Luffy's stomach growled, the sound loud enough to echo throughout the room and catch everyone's attention. Slowly did both his and Sanji's attention go straight back towards the reindeer as said animal didn't waste any time in turning on his hoofs and running out of the room through another door, the two men quick to follow after him.

"Can you tell me more about the talking reindeer?" Nami suddenly asked as I crossed the room over to the bed she was laying on, taking a seat at the end near the edge.

"Talking reindeer?" I raised an eyebrow as I gave her a strange look.

"Yes, his name is Chopper—he's a reindeer with a blue nose" the old woman said.

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