Chapter Ninety Six [Rewritten]

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-Chapter Ninety-Six-

"You guys seem okay with everything, but I'm certainly not!" Nami suddenly snapped. "What's wrong with you two? You are men, right?" she seethed. "When someone provokes you, the only logical response would be to pummel their faces and wipe the blood with their friends' faces! Better yet, you should have just blown up the entire annoying town!" she angrily huffed.

"Someone's in an unpleasant mood I see..." I muttered.

"What happened to all that passive talk?" Zoro questioned before flinching when Nami swiveled around and now directed her venomous glare at him.

"Shut up, Zoro! What's past is past—we're not talking about ancient history here!" she sneered.

"Hey, why is she in such a bad mood? She didn't get a single scratch on her" Usopp whispered.

"Huh? Beats me" Luffy shrugged.

"You don't know? Weren't you guys with her the entire time you were out?" I raised an eyebrow.

"Oh yeah, did you get any information on Sky Island?" Chopper innocently asked before fearfully shaking when he saw Nami's expression darken.

"Sky Island?" she growled. "Does it even matter anymore? All I did was say the word, "Sky Island," and they all laughed at me!" she ranted as realization finally dawned on me.

"Nami, are you perhaps upset that you were humiliated in front of a bunch of people?" I curiously asked, only to yelp and raise my hands in defense when the front of my shirt was suddenly snatched and I was harshly yanked toward the ginger.

"Shut it!" she seethed right into my face before shoving me back and away.

"Message received..." I mumbled, straightening my shirt as I scooted away from her.

"What the heck was so funny about me saying that?" Nami grumbled, placing her hands on her hips as she started to bitterly mumble to herself.

"I am the Ketchup Star..." Usopp weakly wheezed as he played dead while Chopper's body fluffed up in fear—tears now streaming down his face as he started to cry.

"Sounds like I've missed out on some excitement here" Robin remarked as she climbed aboard the ship. "How's everyone doing?" she asked.

"Not that great" I said, rubbing the back of my head. "I'd take caution if I were you" I warned.

"Robin! Welcome back, my love—I can draw a bath and prepare a fruit drink for you if you're interested!" Sanji cooed, instantly swooning the moment he spotted the older woman.

"Hey there, Robin" Luffy greeted. "Where have you been all day, huh?" he curiously asked.

"Well, I went shopping for clothes and found some information on Skypiea" Robin answered, before being taken aback when Nami suddenly turned to her with a hateful glare.

"That's right! You're the one who brought it up—I was made to look like an idiot because of your big mouth!" the ginger sneered. "Trust me, if this place turns out not to exist..." and by that point, I tuned out the rest of Nami's rant, not the least bit interested to know what her threat was going to be towards the raven-haired woman as my gaze drifted elsewhere on the ship.

"Chopper!" I gasped when I caught sight of the reindeer fearfully jumping overboard and into the water with a loud splash as he attempted to get as far away from Nami as he could.

"Man overboard" Zoro grunted as he was quick to react, jumping in after the talking animal.

"Robin, I would kind of keep my distance if I were you" Usopp advised the raven-haired woman when Nami finally stalked away after finishing her rant.

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